-Chapter Fifteen-

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"Diggory! That arsehole! I'm gonna kill him." Fred fumed.

"We should bring her to Dumbledore. He can help her and she can tell him all the things Diggory has been doing." George suggested, mostly speaking to Angelina because Fred thundered around the room, pacing.

You had showed up to class with a dopey look on your face. Fred asked you if you were alright and you had simply responded with "Yep. Why wouldn't I be? I mean, Cedric just being alive makes life worth living."

The twins immediately knew you were under Love Potion and took you to Angelina. All of you were standing out in the hall.

"She'll be ok-."

"Cedric is perfect, isn't he." You interrupted her. Your eyes were sparkling with love and the twins hated it.

"Okay. We need to get her out of this right now." Fred hissed. "I can't stand her swooning over Diggory like this."

Fred picked you up in his arms bridal style and stormed down the corridor as George and Angelina exchange worried looks.

"Hey! I'm not helpless, Fred." You furrow your brow. "I can walk."

"No, Y/N. I put you down you'll try to run to Cedric's class again. Listen, your under a fucking Love Potion and I know that you can see it but it's hurting me. Seeing you want Diggory more than me."

"Well I mean he's the love of my life." You beamed up at the tall ginger.

"No he's not Y/N! He kissed you when you didn't want it, he almost killed me and he tried to walk in on you showering." He snapped.

You were both silent the rest of the way there.


"Now what happened here?" Dumbledore asked the three who weren't currently simping for Cedric Diggory.

"Diggory gave her chocolates full of a really powerful Love Potion. The tag said they were from me, that's why she ate them. Because she trusted me." Fred gulped, worried for his best friend.

"Cedric? The top grade Hufflepuff who almost beat you to death, Mr. Weasley." He looked at Fred.

"Yep, that's the one."

"Okay. You three can go back to your classes. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Snape can probably fix this. And yes, it does look quite strong."

You were sitting there staring at the ceiling, mumbling something about Cedric's eyes. The biggest, dopey-est grin was on your face. You barely even noticed that your friends left until the headmaster shook your shoulder.

"Hello, Ms. Y/L/N." He said calmly.

"Hi! Hey, have you seen Cedric anywhere?" You ask, looking around enthusiastically and full of energy.

"Well, this is really bad, isn't it."

Professor Snape's break was in an hour and he was the only one with the things to make the antidote and Dumbledore couldn't possibly leave you alone. You'd run to find Cedric as soon as you could!

Looks like Dumbledore was babysitting you for the next hour.

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