Please be respectful

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We finally pull up back to the complex and I hop out with a pep in my step being watched by the guys. Yoongi shakes his head seeing my innocent joy. Lets have bibimbap for dinner what do you say.

Noona(big sister) do you have any sisters? I let out a laugh that ends in a high pitch squeal which surprises everyone including me. I cover my mouth the speak only brothers, friends, a husband and a gang load of cousins. Then hop up the stairs heading to my condo.

I stop dead in my tracks seeing none other than Jason standing in front of my door. I quickly take off my heels and look behind me to see where Yoongi is i toss my heel down the step to create a diversion. I,m sorry yobo(my dear) can you get that for me please. He shakes his head as he turns around to walk after the heel giving me just a few seconds before all hell breaks loose.

Jk sees my face before the others and then he sees Jason. His body tenses up as he is getting ready to dart up the steps towards me. I mouth as fast as I can to go stop Yoongi. Jk then taps rm nods in the direction of Jason but before they could proceed any further. Jason speak I turn around immediately as reality hit faster then i calculated.

Hey bitch you broke my fucking nose he says like its a everyday conversation.

And you broke my wrist, So your point is? I think you should go Jason I have nothing more to say. I hear Yoongi charging up the stairs behind me yahhh and hear the guys trying their best to restrain the angry man. He starts yelling in satori.

I tried using my credit card and none of them work. So give me a credit card so I can go and we will talk about this later. I sit the bag I was carrying down along with my clutch and remove my jacket. I crack my neck letting out a loud sound causing the men behind me to stop moving and look at me. Yah pabo. I don't speak that shit PK. I exhale my anger and speak to him like he is stupid. They don't work because I removed you from my accounts and canceled those cards. So you need to go before I get angry. You canceled my cards he yelled and then my voice increase to an alarming octave.

You got me FUCKED UP if you think I'm going to give you my credit card. You have a round trip ticket and I already deposited your last paycheck into your account. All your shit that was in my house is now in storage my locks are also changed and all the keys to my cars have been exchanged you have been removed from all my shit. And before I can continue informing Jason of his new reality I feel a burning sensation come across my face accompanied by a sound that was equivalent to the sound of thunder. The two maknaes release Yoongi and now all of them are now running at full speed to get to me as the rest of the members come out of the apartment from the sound of the commotion.

I let out a thunderous growl hajima(stop/don't do it) as all three men continue forward I turn to look at them with venom in my eye. I said hajima all the members stop in their tracks but Yoongi who stopped right in front of my face as he looked from the handprint on my cheek to my murderous gaze then look to Jason with hatred. Yoongi bite his lip to the point he is now drawing blood I place my hand on his face. He steps away from me and charges Jason grabbing him by the collar and pushing him close to the edge of the rail about to push him clean over.

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