Who's the Boss Part 3

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I return to the conference room to gather my things after making a scene in the hallway with Jason and being found out by Yoongis bandmates. What else could go wrong. I just needed to get the hell out of dodge because the way today is going it wasn't looking good for me.

As i walk in the room  I see hitman bang and his secretary sitting at the table. "Excuse me, I'm so sorry for any disturbance that i may have caused in your building. I will remove myself immediately. It was a pleasure meeting you."

Before I can get to the door. He say ask you alright? I turn around to face him with questioning eyes. He continues I witnessed the events in the lobby and it was quite a sight. I bow deeply and profusely apologize.

May I ask you something he says interrupting my apology.

"Yes of course." 

"Why did you not tell me you were the real PK?"

I let out a small smile. Well no one ever asked and people usually just assume PK is a man. They believe with all the accolades it must come with male genitalia. His eyes widen. Please forgive my bold words.

I understand he says and apologizes which catches me off guard. I also assumed the same thing and for that I apologize. He looked at my wrist and seen the handprint. It must be painful. I smile and say a little.

"Ms. PK ?"

I smile yes . Would you be willing to sign with us? Are you sure you want me? Yes you are the gem that everyone wants but few have had the pleasure of meeting.

I can't sign the contract I was given I would have to be a freelancer and work on my own schedule. I can't be exclusive either I already have projects in other fields. I can commit to 7 year but at the end of every 2 years we have to sit down and find out what works best for your brand as well as mine. He listens to my demands while writing. Ok we can do that anything else? I would need to find a place to stay and I would like a studio near BTS's studio. He raised his head at the last request. I like to surround myself around well-rounded artist it helps me be a better producer. He nods his head in agreement ok agreed.

Let's talk about payment. 2million a year and shares in your company. I smile. He looks at me impressed, how many? 25 will do. 25 he says surprised by the  number. 25 shares we can do that . No sir I think you misunderstood 25% of the shares.

Why so many if you don't mind me asking. Well the way I see it I don't like being dictated to by people who care about just money and not the art. I feel like the musicians and artist who have freedom and control there own music are more successful. Everyone I have ever worked with or mentored has increased their net profit as well as their worth and improved their craft not to mention they all received grammys. Anyone I work with should be family and you help family.

If I can benefit the company and bring new things, people, experiences, and talent within the next 7 years then I will be satisfied. I will give you some time to think over my proposal and get back to me.

Hitman bang stands up runs his hand through his hair and begins to speak.  I have a question. Can you improve any musician or artist. The room goes quite as I mow over the question thinking hard and reply yes.

How confident are you in your abilities young lady?

I bet my career on it on it I reply with a matter of fact tone. ok then I have a requirement. You will be in charge of all the talent. Excuse me I say in disbelief. They will be mentored by you, managed by you, and run by you.

The words hit me like a tone of bricks.  Hitman bang I'm flattered but I'm not a manager and I don't mentor people unless they want it and are fully committed or it won't work and secondly i cant take on that responsibility . Ok then Start with BTS from this day you are In charge of them their music their look every aspect of their life make them bigger improve them and in two year upon your renegotiation we will see if we give you more artist or not.

Ugly truths and beautiful liesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon