CH3: Bright's proposal

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Win enters the cafe and his eyes look for someone. Then his eyes caught the person he is looking for around the corner as he marching fowards.

"Bright" Win stern voice pulled out Bright from his own thought.

"Oh. You are here. Please sit down" Bright talks nicely.

"Care to explain to me about those flowers? Why the heck you send those flowers to me?" Win snaps as soon as he sits down.

It has been a week he has received those flower sent by Bright. All of the staff in the office started to gossip about them.

The fact that Bright didn't even hide that he is the one who sent the flower to him. And he is too ego to face the guy in front of him until today. He decides to confront Bright.

"Oww.. calm down khun. Let's order first. Then we can talk about us" Bright winked want to tease the young man in front of him but only got scowl in return.

"So, it only takes 1 week for me to get your attention and have a talk with you?" Bright says as he laugh.

He finds Win is amusing. Because he knows Win annoyed by the flower he sent to him but Win never contact him nor confront him about that.

Actually, he feels Win kind of avoiding him after the marriage arrangement things between them. So, he tries this method to get win attention and have a talk with him. But then this man really stubborn.

"So, you send all those flower just to make me pay attention to you?" Win asks in angry.

"Khun, can you calm down a bit. I'm sorry if those flower bother you so much. We need to talk about us. You avoiding me didn't help either. So I guess my trick success since you come to see me now" Bright snaps back but not in angry way, more like annoyed by Win behaviour.

"Okay, since I am here now can we go directly to the point. I don't have many time to waste for this things" Win calm down a bit but still his voice sharp as usual.

Bright sighs. Why he need to deal with this hot-headed person.

"About our marriage. I have decided to marry you"

"Why?! If you agree to this, I don't have a choice except to accept it. Why you want to married me so much?! Can't you reject my dad's idea?" Win interrupt before Bright could finished his words.

"Do you think I like this arrangement, khun? I have no choice. Uncle has been my family supported since my father passed away. I don't want make things complicated as it is" Bright explain.

"But how it is related to me? Why I need to face this consequences??" Win says disappointed.

"Why don't you reject this, khun? You can easily reject right, also this is your father proposal to begin with" Bright try to suggest another way.

"I can't" Win bite his lower lips.

He can't do this because it is his mother last wishes. He loves his mother so much and he really couldn't bear to disappointed her mother last wishes.

Bright sighs for umpteenth time. They both fall into silent.

"I have an idea. But I don't know if you agree or not with this" Bright suddenly speak.

"Spill. I will decide if I agree or not" Win replies back.

"We can get married to each other for a certain time, then after that we will get a divorce since we sure didn't love each other. We can say to our parents that we didn't suit with each other after trying to live together. How about that?" Bright throw his idea.

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