CH13: Kavin - I will protect you

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(AN : there will be a long chapter for flashback. I will separate it into a few chapter.

tw// this chapter contain child abuse n molestation. I will put the tw again at the particular scene)


Bright POV

"How do you know about Kavin?"

'Oh so that person name is Kavin. Why I feel familiar with the name?'

I told the incident happen to Win when we were on vacation. Daddy Tay and Papa New seems shock when I told the story.

"And also last night, he also had nightmare about saving someone too. I guess it related to Kavin as well" Bright finished his story.

Daddy Tay's face turn to gloomy while Papa New beside him hold him hand tightly.

"I guess it is the time to tell Bright, honey" Papa Newwie says as he caress his husband's hands.

"It was a long story"

My heart beat fast as I'm waiting patiently for their untold story.


17 years ago..

"Win, look at here!"

Win who was focusing on his reading switched half of his attention towards the voice.

"Look here, there is a coin in my hand. I will make it disappeared" the boy in front of Win said excitedly as he waved the coin on air.

Win's attentiom now was fully on the boy, looking forward for the show.

"Okay, now pay attention at this coin.. tadaa.. see, now the coin is gone" the boys make some trick and showed his empty palm to Win but Win giggles while looking at the boy.

The boy confused and asked while pouting his mouth: "Win, why are you laughing?"

"Vin, I know this trick. Here is the coin" Win flipped the boys palm turn to backhand, and there is coin hanging upward between the finger.

The boy blushed, embarassed because his trick got caught.

"Vin, try hard naa.. I would not easily fell into the tricked" Win winked at his brother making his brother pout even more.

Win and Kavin are twins. Although Win born first and considered as older brother than Kavin, but they never acted like one.

Win has soft personality, cute, clever and lovely while Kavin the younger has strong personality, slight naughty, smart, sharp yet adorable.

If no one know knew them, they might thought that Kavin was brother and Win was the younger. Kavin had this internal feeling protective over Win since they were in the kindergarten.

As Win was soft hearted, he easily got bullied by other kid and Kavin would not hesitate to protect and fight for his brother. That's why he never called Win as his phi.

There was few times, Win did a mistake and cried afraid of being scolded but Kavin always there to cover up for him, assured his older brother that everything will be fine. He even covered for Win's mistake by making up he was the one who did wrong. Kavin wass strong. He never afraid of something or anyone.

Kavin really love magic show. Win sometimes make fun of his younger brother who was dreaming to be a magician once he grew up. Saying that Kavin would not make it. Don't take it as a serious. Win just wanted to tease his twin.

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