Mission 4

768 18 13

(Y/n)'s POV

Kat was able to get us to the Virility factory, Kat started talking to us, "I was here years ago as a child. I explored the whole facility unseen. I sensed a demon under the factory. The Succubus, an ancient one. We believe it's the source of the psychotic ingredient. That's what they use to control us." Kat said to use. I looked at Kat before I started talking to her, "Kat, you know my life wasn't normal as well because I do remember that someone put something in my body like a liquid, but I don't remember to much about it." I said to Kat in a sad tone.

Kat looked at me before she looked at me with a sad look as well, I noticed Dante was looking at me with a worry looked on his face. Dante started talking to me, "So you said that someone put something in your body, how old were you?" Dante asked me. I looked at Dante and Kat before telling them, "I was a little girl when someone put something in my body, but I didn't feel the pain for some reason, but that was a long time ago." I told Dante and Kat. Dante grabbed my hand and he started to looked at me with a sad looked on his face.

I smiled at Dante before Kat got on the escalator and then it was my turn to get on the escalator, but I realized that I was still holding Dante's hand. I looked at Dante before telling him that he can let go of my hand and he looked at me before he let go of my hand before we hear a woman's voice was talking about the drinks.  Dante was asking Kat, "How do people actually fall for this crap?" Dante asked Kat. Kat was telling us, "If you're told something is true often enough, you both tend to believe it. They told me I was crazy for seeing demons." Kat said to us in a sad tone.

Dante was talking to Kat, "Yeah. They tried telling me I was a basket case too." Dante said to us. Dante looked at me before asking me, "What about you (Y/n)?" Dante asked me. I looked at Dante before I took a deep breath and I release it before telling them, "Well, my parents thought I was making it up, but years later that it was still happening, my parents thought I was sick in the head before they took me to see someone special, but of course these bastards think I was crazy, but I wasn't." I said to Dante and Kat. I wasn't done yet before I kept going on with the story, "One day, when I went to Limbo for the first time, I had to tell my parents everything, but of course they didn't believe me again, so my parents locked me in my room and they wouldn't let me out if I forget about it." I said to Dante and Kat.

Dante looked at me before he grabbed my hand again before I kept continuing my story, "I just had it enough for it because my parents hired someone to put something in my body, I told them to stop but they didn't stop, I kept trying to get them away from me, but nothing was working, so I thought this was the only way to escape from this hell, so I ran away from my home because I couldn't been there anymore, so I opened my window and I took off running away from my home at first it wasn't easy, but I had to stayed alive as best as I can." I said to Dante and Kat. Dante moved his other hand to grabbed my chin before I looked at him before I started to lean closed to Dante.

Dante just wrapped his arms around me because I felt tears were coming down on my face. Kat looked shocked at this from me before she started telling us about her past as well, "They wanted to put me on drugs. Said it would make me better. They lied. They just wanted to keep me weak and docile." Kat said to us. I felt Dante was touching my hair before I heard him talking to Kat, "How did you figure it all out?" Dante asked Kat. Kat was telling us of how Vergil got Kat out of her nightmare before asking Dante's past as well.

Dante was looking at me before I started to feel relaxed by the touch of Dante touching my hair before he started talking to us, "When the people you are supposed to trust most...turn out to be demon scum...your eyes really do open up to evil everywhere. I took a stand. Fought back, killed...No matter the consequences. So I chose my path, and I lived by it... and then after all that anger, violence and death, you have to dig deep...deep into your own heart...to see if you are still sane. Or if you can still call yourself...human... I just knew in my heart I wasn't crazy." Dante said to us. I moved my head away from Dante's chest before we got off the escalator, I did few better from Dante, but I was still confused on why my body was acting weird earlier.

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