Mission 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

Dante was kinda leading the way first, but I was behind him now, 'I still can't believe that blob demon creature was inside of my body for so many years now, how can my parents do this to me?' I said to myself in the head.  Me, Dante, and Kat we were able to make it downstairs a bit before we noticed a platform, so the three of us got on the platform and we were looking down a bit to see it was a long drop. Dante looked at Kat before he asked her, "Now what?" Dante asked Kat. Kat looks at us before she started talking to us, "This tunnel will lead you two to the Succubus." Kat said to us. Me and Dante looked at Kat before I asked her, "How do me and Dante get down there?" I asked Kat.

Kat told us that the two of us will get down there if we are in Limbo, Kat grabbed something out of her jacket pocket and we looked at the item that Kat has in her hand. Dante being Dante was being a little rude at Kat, "What is that? An egg-timer?" Dante asked Kat in a sarcastic tone. I just elbow Dante's rib to probably to tell him to be nice to Kat, Kat was telling us about the item in her hand, "It's a vial containing a spell I made from a variety of..." Kat didn't get a chance to finish her sentence before Dante interrupt her, "I don't need to know." Dante said to Kat with a smirk on his face.  I just gave Dante a smack behind his head, I just chuckled at this before I heard Kat told me and Dante, "You two jump, I twist." Kat said to us. I looked back at Kat before I told her, "Kat you know I can't jumped down on hard stuff my legs will break or I might die." I said to Kat with a kinda pissed off face.

Dante looks back at Kat before he asked her, "Are you serious?" Dante asked Kat in a kinda sarcastic way. Kat just told us to trust her, before I could say anything to Kat, I felt arms were wrapped around me, but luckily it was Dante's arms that were holding me closed to him or near his chest, "We jump, you twist." Dante said to Kat before he started to pulled me near to his chest again before I realize that he is going backwards with me by his chest, "Good luck." Kat said to us. Dante decided to used one of his hands to give Kat a bye but he was using his two fingers to her before I wrapped my arms around his neck and here we go falling down. Dante made sure that I was holding tight on him before the area started to change a bit before I felt Dante's arm move to my waist before we started to slide down a bit before it change again to probably more walking or running in a straight line.

Dante let go of me before we started running a bit but not before we heard Kat was yelling at us, "You both don't have long, hurry!" Kat yelled at us. Me and Dante just took off running but of course there was a lot of demons and of course far jumps that I can't make it, "Ugh is this a fucking joke!" I yelled at this. Dante just chuckles at me before he pick me up in bridal style again, so we could get over to the other side because I can't jump over long areas. Dante made sure that I was hanging on to him, luckily Dante was able to get us to a hatch door because Dante put me down and he used his weapon to get it opened, I helped out Dante by grabbing the weapon as well and helped him pulled it opened, "Open up!" Dante yelled out. We were able to get it opened, from the distance we hear the timer go off, "Uh! That really was an egg-timer!" Dante said to himself.

I looked at Dante before I told him, "Yeah no kidding but right now we have to go because this place is going to rotate any second." I said to Dante. Dante just picks me up in bridal style again and Dante was able to get us to the hatch door that we open. Once Dante got us in there the hatch door closed, Dante put me down and we started to jog a bit before we smell something in this tunnel, "Ugh! What a stink!" Dante said to himself but I heard him. I looked at Dante before I started talking to him, "Well, we could take a shower once this is over." I said to Dante with a kinda flirty voice. Dante just gives me a smirk before I felt him nibbling my neck, I relaxed to this before I felt Dante had nibble on my sweet spot on my neck and I started to groan from this.

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