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((Colby's POV))

Cole! What the actual f*ck


You know what I'm f*cking talking about. Don't act dumb.

Okay, well, he deserved it!

Sam did not deserve it!

He hit me!

Yeah cause you were being an a*shole! If I were Sam I would've did done more than hit you.


Cole? Is there something wrong?

No. Now go away so that you can go shove Sam's di-

OKAY! I'll leave you be. But just know that I'm always here to talk.

You wouldn't get it.

How do you know?

Because you're not me! You don't know what I've been going through ever since Sam got into the car accident!

You're right, I don't. But if you tell me-

Fine, I'll tell you! Sam was the first ever person to ever love me, and was the first person I ever loved. Now he fucking hates me and I know that he won't ever love me again. Especially not after I hurt him...

Cole, just talk to him about this. Tell him about what happened before the accident.

Well that won't change anything...

~Blocks connection~

I let out a low sigh. Sam, who was laying on me, looked at me with confusion. "Awe woo otay?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's not me anyways..." I said the last part a lot quieter. Sam nodded his head then looked away from me. "You won't understand..." I said quieter than before.

~Time Skip~

I went downstairs, and put on my shoes. I walked out the front door, and started to walk down the street.

Sometimes it's good to get a bit of fresh air; It helps you clear you're mind.

As I was walking, I looked around at my surroundings; there were lots of trees, a blue sky with white clouds, birds flying around, and, occasionally, planes.

I was gone for about an hour before I decided to head back to the house.

While I was walking back, someone approached me. It was a girl, and she looked so familiar. I didn't know who it was, until she was right in front of me.

"Hey, Colby..."


((I was going to continue writing but I didn't. Anyways, who do you think it is? One more thing, I might only be able to upload one chapter tomorrow cause I start school again. I'll try to update twice though))

400 words


A Wish That Changed Everything // Solby✓Where stories live. Discover now