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((Cole's POV))

I stopped my thought process once-


((Sam's POV))

Cole just finished telling me how he was sorry for what he did to me. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't expecting that. Never in a million years would I think that Cole would say sorry for something that he didn't do, but, he proved me wrong.

I actually felt a bit bad, though. While Cole was talking, he sounded like he was going to cry. I know that he was telling nothing but the truth, which made me see a different side of him; a good one.

I heard Cole take a deep breath, and he started talking again.

"So, Sam... I know what you're probably going to say, but I was wondering if we could just start over- like as friends? I can't live with you being afraid of me. I promise I won't do anything else to hurt you the way I did..."  He asked me.

I was quiet for a few seconds. I didn't know what to stay. Should I agree, or shouldn't I? I could see the nervousness in Cole's face. I eventually said, "Okay," with a small smile on my face. I saw a big smile starting to grow on his face.

"Thank you!" Cole said, then started to lean in for a hug, but he then stopped and asked, "Can I hug you?" I nodded my head, "Yeah."

Cole hugged me, and I hugged back. When we pulled away, my face instantly became red. I could feel his breath on my face, and Cole could probably feel mine. Our noses were practically touching. 

I suddenly felt a small tingle in my stomach, and I could feel my heart flutter in my chest. I was looking right into Cole's eyes. I've seen them hundreds of times. But this time I could actually see them more up close. And I didn't realize how beautiful they were until now.

His eyes were a gorgeous light shade of grey, with specks of white, and dark grey around the iris. Even though they were grey, they were truly beautiful. His eyes dilated, the iris being pushed away by the blackness of the pupil. I could see myself reflected in them. 

I feel like Cole was going to kiss me. He knows that I don't like him in that way. I'm not even sure if I like him in a friendly way yet. 

My thought process was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing, and a knock on the door.

"I-I'm gonna g-get that-t." I said as I got up off of the bed. "Y-yeah..." Cole nodded and bit the inside of his lips.

I walked downstairs and went to the front door. I was a bit surprised to see who was there once I opened the door.

"Oh! Hi, Mike." I smiled at the tall, muscular, tattooed brunette. "Hey, Sam! I wanted to come and see how you were doing?" Mike said. I was about to respond, but then a voice came from behind me.

"Sam's fine. We are glad that you wanted to check up on him, but now of you excuse us we have to call the police and tell them what happened." It was Cole. "I just got here though?" Mike said. "Yeah. I know. And before I forget, tell your friend Brennen to go find someone else that will WILLINGLY, have sex with him. Bye bye now." Cole said then shut the door in Mike's face.

"That wasn't nice." I said as I crossed my arms and faced Cole. "Yeah, neither am I, Princess." Cole said which made me get flustered. He then took out his phone and headed into the living room. I followed him.

"Hello?" I heard Cole say once I got into the living. It looks like he was on the phone with someone. "Yeah, um, I need a couple police to-" I just stopped listening because I already knew what he was going to say.

"Okay, Sammy, the police will be here shortly." Cole said then sat on the couch. "I never said that you could call me that." I told Cole while sitting beside him subconsciously.

"Too bad. I will call you whatever I want to." Cole smirked then closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head. "But what if I don't like it?" I asked after rolling my eyes. "Then you just have to deal with it, Sunshine." Cole winked at me then went back to whatever he was doing before. I started to feel butterflies in stomach.

After that, we were silent. Just kinda enjoying each other's presence as we waited for the police to come, which took another 15 minutes.

Knock knock

I looked in the direction of the front door, then at Cole who was getting up to answer the door.

I couldn't really hear what they were saying,  but the next thing I knew was that there were two police officers -one boy and one girl- coming into the living room, with Cole leading them in here.

The girl had blonde hair that was tied back in a ponytail, with hazel eyes. She looked to be around 28 years old.

The male had black, curly, medium length hair, with dark green eyes. He looked to be around 30 years old. I also couldn't help but notice the impressive jaw line.

Cole took his spot beside me, and the two police officers stayed standing.

"Hi. I'm officer Rose, and this is officer Carter." The female spoke. Officer Carter nodded his head with a small smile. I did the same.

"We were told that someone has been r*ped and abused." Officer Rose then said. "Who was it?" She asked. I raised my hand up slowly, and the two police officers looked at me.

"Is it okay of you show us where he touched you and any marks that you might have?" Officer Carter asked. I was hesitant for a second before nodding. I stood up ant took off my shirt.

I revealed belt marks, hands marks, hickeys, bruises, scratches, and more. Everyone in the room looked shocked. My whole body was like this.

I started feeling insecure about my body so I asked, "Can I pu-put my shirt back on-n?" The officers nodded their heads. I quickly put my shirt back on, then sat back down, while remembering everything that Brennen did to me.

"So who do you think supposedly did this?" Officer Carter asked. "We don't think we know." Cole said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "It Brennen Taylor." He then said, with anger in his face. "Are you sure it was him? And not-" Officer Rose started to say but Cole cut her off.

"YES I'M SURE IT WAS HIM! SAM TOLD ME! I WOULDN'T DO THAT TO HIM, AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SAM WOULDN'T DO THAT TO HIMSELF!" Cole yelled, full of anger, which caught the two officers off guard. "Oh- um- okay, sorry." Officer Rose said.

Officer Carter turned to Officer Rose and they had a quiet conversation.

"Could you please tell us where Brennen Taylor lives? We're going to arrest him, and give him a 30 year sentence in jail." Officer Carter told us. I heard Cole mumble, "he f*cking better..."

I gave them the address, then Cole escorted them out the front door. Once I heard the door close... I just broke down.


((If I kept writng this chapter then it would be never ending))

1267 words


A Wish That Changed Everything // Solby✓Where stories live. Discover now