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~A few days later~

((Colby's POV))

Colbear😘😍❤️: Where are you?
Colbear😘😍❤️: I'm worried about you 🥺
Colbear😘😍❤️: Please come back 🥺

I kept looking back at the message I sent Sam three days ago. He's seen it, but hasn't responded. I am terrified for him. Sam could be anywhere.

I want to know so many things. Where did he go? Has he even found shelter yet? What happens if he goes into his little headspace? Will he know what to do? He could be scared. LA is a scary place at night in some areas. The amount of drunk people, rapists, drug addicts... he could be hurt.

This is Cole's fault. I'm going to say that right now. He made Sam feel scared and uncomfortable. If I were Sam then I would leave too. Cole wasn't this aggressive before Sam got into his accident.

He is rude, but that's just his personality. Even though Cole's mean, he was such a softy when it came to Sam.

I guess it's also kinda my fault too for introducing the two of them to each other that one day, a couple years ago. If I never introduced them, then Cole would've never fell for Sam.

I just want Sam to come back- or at least a simple text. I just want to know where he is, and if he's okay. That's all I want.

((Sam's POV))

It's been three days since Brennen did it to me, and he's done it everyday. Every. F*cking. Day. I feel like a piece of garbage. I'm so disgusted with myself. I've been taking showers four or five times day. I know that their water bill will be high, but I can't help myself. No matter how much I try to wash myself, I still feel so dirty.

I can't say anything about it, though, because then Brennen will hurt me. I don't really have an option here; if I keep quiet then I get hurt, and if I say something about what's been happening to me then I will also get hurt.

The only part of the day I can be alone is when I go to bed. Mike is more of a night owl. He likes to stay up really late, and he sleeps more during the day.

During my time alone, I just cry, because I don't know how to do anything else. I keep thinking back to everything that has been happening to me; it all makes me want to cry.

I would usually go to Colby for comfort, but I don't want to go back. Not now at least. Even though I don't feel safe here either, I don't have anywhere to go. If I go back to Colby, I would have to deal with Cole, and if I stay here, I have to deal with Brennen. It would be a loss for me either way.

I let out a sigh, thinking about all my problems. I got a bit scared when I heard a voice say, "Are you okay, Sam?" Which I recognized as Mike's. "Y-yeah..." I nodded.  "Sam, are you sure? If there's anything bugging you then you can talk to me. You've been a bit off ever since you came here." Mike said. "Um... I g-guess I'm just a bit-t home si-ick." I lied sightly. "You miss Colby?" Mike asked and I nodded again. "Why don't you text him to tell him that you're okay. I'm sure he's worried sick." He suggested. "Okay..."

I got my phone, and texted Colby quickly,

Sammy Bby❤️😍🥰: Hey, Colby. I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. I'm staying at someone's house. His name's Mike. I'll come back when I'm ready

I instantly got a response,

Colbear😘😍❤️: Are you sure you're okay? I'm really worried about you. And does Mike have a friend named Brennen by any chance?

Sammy Bby❤️😍🥰: Yes and yes. Now please stop texting me. I need space

I decided to text Colby back because I know that he would keep on asking untill he got an answer.

"Okay. I did it.." I said while turning off my phone. "Okay. So you feel a bit better now?" Mike asked me. "Yeah..." I told him even though I was no where near being fine. "Good. If you need anything then just text me, or get Brennen. I'm going to a friend's to make some music." Mike told me, then left the room with a wave.

After a couple minutes, Brennen came into the room with a smirk and locked the door behind him.

Fuxk my life...


((I was trying to finish a digital art of Stitch for school, but then the app crashed on me and I lost all my progress. I have been working on it for over 5 hours 🙂))

828 words


A Wish That Changed Everything // Solby✓Where stories live. Discover now