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((Cole's POV))

When I went back into the living room after I showed the two police officers the way out, I saw Sam having a panic attack.

He was shaking, hyperventilating, sweating, and crying. I quickly rushed over to him and held him close to me.

"It's okay, Sam. Listen to my heart beat. Everything is going to be okay." I said to try and get Sam to calm down. I felt Sam hold onto my upper arms tightly, as he tried to concentrate on my heart beat.

"Deep breathes, Sam. In and out." I said to Sam while rubbing his back. He nodded his head slightly.

20 minutes later, Sam was feeling better. He was still a bit shaken up, but he's calmer now.

I'm currently now in the kitchen, getting a glass of water for Sam, who is still in the living room. I walked back into the living room while holding the full glass of water. I handed it to Sam then sat beside him.

"Thanks." Sam said then gave me a small smile. "You're welcome." I returned the smile. While Sam was drinking his water, I couldn't help but stare at him. He's just too perfect.

After Sam was done drinking his water, he noticed me staring.

"What?" He giggled a bit. "Nothing. You're just beautiful." I said, then I saw Sam's face redden as he looked away from me. "I'm not beautiful... have you seen my body? I look like I just came out of war." Sam said while looking down. I chuckled a bit, then lifted Sam's chin up with my fingers, making him look at me. "In my eyes you're perfect, no matter what you look like." I said.

Sam started to blush some more. "Cute." I said then removed my fingers from his chin. I saw Sam smile widely. I shook my head and laughed quietly then took out my phone and went on it.

Through the corner of my eye, I could see Sam looking at me.

"Y'know staring won't give you the power to see through my clothes." I said as I continued to look at my phone. "I- um- uh-" Sam stuttered. "I was joking." I laughed. "Let's go upstairs so we can treat your injuries." I said then got up off of the couch.

Sam followed me as we went upstairs to my room.

"Stay here for a second. I'm gonna go get stuff from the bathroom." I said then left thr room. I got all of the things that I might need to help treat Sam's damaged body.

I got back to my room and Sam was laying on the bed, his back facing the ceiling.

"Sam. Take off your shirt." I told him. Sam did as he was told, then went back to laying on his stomach.

I went over to the other side of Sam, and sat there. I brought all of the materials I got from the bathroom, and started working on his back.

~Teenie Weenie Time Skippy~

((Sam's POV))

I don't know why, but now I'm starting to feel weird whenever I'm near Cole. It started after we hugged, and we looked into each other's eyes because we were so close.

My stomach gets all tingly, my heart starts racing, I can't stop smiling, I feel warm inside, and-

"Sam?" I heard Cole say my name. "What?" I said while looking at him. "I've been calling you're name for 5 minutes." He said. "Oh... sorry." I said. "It's fine." Cole got off of the bed. "Oh, and I finished treating all your scratches and stuff." He added. "Okay. Thank y-you" I said a bit nervously.

I heard Cole laugh then leave the room with all of the things he used to help me fix my injuries. 

I felt my heart skip a beat, and my stomach tingle. What is Cole doing to me?

I can't be... falling for him?

Can I?


((The butterflies I got while writing this chapter tho- I need help))

674 words


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