chapter one

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I do not own any of these characters just a fanfiction so.......Also this is my first fanfic so i'm sorry if you don't like it.

The stars were as bright as ever and just as beautiful and free. f/n was staring at them as she always has. Wishing she would be one, that she could be just as free and beautiful.

F/n was only 10 right now on a small farm away from the village which they lived. They was her and her mother. F/n father had already joined the military and came home only once in a while. During that time she was able to be close with her mother.

Her mother held all of the secrets in f/n's life. Well all but one. F/n had the desire to become a soldier like her father. To help people and to maybe even see the world outside. She had 2 more years to tell her mother though.

"F/n!", her mother called from down the stairs.

"Yes mother, I'm coming", you ran down the stairs.

"Darling I need to tell you some news that just came in while I was in town", her mother looked very worried and that made F/n very nervous.

"What's the news", F/n asked eagerly waiting for the answer.

"Shiganshina District and Wall Maria have been breached by titans" Her mother said, still looking uneasy, "This means that your father will be in a more dangerous position. We're safe here in Ragako though and your father will keep us updated.

F/n had to take this all in. How could titans break through the wall. Ever since she was a child she was taught that the titans could never hurt them if they were behind the walls. With this new insight she realized that they were in nothing but a cage, that they'll forever be waiting for death from titans.

F/n now thought it was time for her mother to know the only secret she had been hiding.

"Mother I want to join the military", F/n kept her eyes avoiding her mother's she did want to see the hurt in her mother's eyes.

"F/n why would you ever want to do that," Her mother grabbed her shoulders and made F/n look her in the face. "Do you want to die? It was already hard enough for your father to leave us but now you want to leave my too. Why? Why? WHY?!"

"Mother......" F/n looked into her mother's eyes that were heartbroken and swelling with tears. She couldn't take it looking at her mother like this. So she turned away and grabbed her school bag. "I'm going to school."

Avoiding in her head was better. She could stand the anxiety that came with it but knowing the real answer was..... well scary.

F/n walked into the school yard with weeds popping out of the path. Connie the one person she liked in this small town was waiting for her. Connie knew her secret of course and he shared the same one. Since they were children they kept saying how they would join the cadet corps together and be the best ones there. But it was just a child's dream to be the best.

"Hey Connie!", you ran towards Connie.

"Hey F/n!", He ran to meet you halfway.

"I told my mother,"

" told her about the thing"

"Yes, and may I tell you she wasn't happy."

Connie could now tell that she was upset. Her mother always supported her but now maybe not. Connie being a great friend and all choose to change the topic to how horrible of a teacher they had.

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