chapter six

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So uhh........... idk what to say. I wrote this on my phone. I just suck at writing so />' _ '/> my brain is slowly deflating of story ideas. Anyways story time

F/n pov

We now outside Wall Rose.

I left the wall that inside I called my home.

The time traveling felt like forever, but in reality it was only two hours. Thanks to Commander Erwin and his plan, we were able to avoid titans. I rode in between Armin and Reiner it was nice and quiet. Reiner kept asking Armin questions and it got annoying after a while. I was starting to get cold from how fast we were riding so I put up my hood. 

My thoughts drifted to Eren. He was alive and well. He can turn into a titan. We shared a kiss. Now I don't know what to say to him after everything that has happened. It's not like I can go up to him and say 'How's it going buddy, never knew you can turn into a fifteen meter titan'. I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt slight tremors. 

Another soldier came up to us on his horse. 

"Hurry, we need to go!"

"What's happening!" Armin yelled. 

"An abnormal!" The man answered back.

I look behind and see what he's talking about. A titan. A female titan. I have my horse speed up because who knows what could happen if she caught up with us.

She was speeding up also and I could feel how close she was. I know if I looked behind me I would start panicking even more. She was getting closer and closer. 

She was right behind us now.

"AHHH-" She now killed a fellow soldier.

She kept killing until it was just Armin, Reiner, and me. She landed her foot right behind me and I fell off my horse. Moose kept galloping. She managed to knock Armin off his horse too. 

She stopped, that's when I got a good look at her. She was familiar, very  familiar. She took of Armin's hood I could feel the fear radiate off him, was she going to kill him like she had done with our comrades. But she didn't, she merely looked at him. Then she turned to me. I'm not going to lie it was terrifying but exhilarating at the same time, I wonder if under different circumstances we would be able to learn about them. She did the same to me as she did with Armin she lifted my hood. Once I met her eyes I knew I have seen them somewhere, but I can't remember where.

She got up and started running. I stood up quickly and offered my hand to Armin. 

"Thanks F/n," Armin says, still clearly shocked.

Reiner came with Armin and I's horses in hand. 

"Let's go and see if we can catch up with her," I say as I grab my horse from Reiner. 

We start riding towards the female titan. 

"Armin shoot the flare!" Reiner yells. Before Armin can do it someone else does. I look behind and see Jean.

"Jean got it for us," I stated. 

We were riding at full speed to catch up with her. I felt bad for the horses, they must be tired. We were almost all the way caught up with her. 

"Put on your hoods. When I had mine on she stopped and checked who I was," Armin tells us. 

I nod and throw my hood back on and so do the others. We were planning to hopefully take her down. 

We try distracting her in everyway possible. She does do something interesting, she responds to suicidal maniac, Erens name in 104. I thought we could handle this, but Reiner, he gets caught in her hand.

couple of kids | erenxreaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora