chapter four

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Sorry this is wayyyyy late. I had a breakdown then went into a depressive state for almost a week and the only thing I did was reread Percy Jackson, rewatch voltron, and reminisce in my unhappy childhood. Anyways enjoy ig. 

F/n pov

They took Eren. 

Since they took him I had some idea what they were going to do to him. I really hoped that they wont do what I think they're going to do to him. 

My idea is they're going to kill him or dissect him or perhaps both.

So I guess whatever feeling that we had for each other means nothing. I thought this whike we were cleaning up Trost. There were many bodies. We tried identifying the people lost, it was hard. I just hoped that the people I cared for were safe.

"I'm sorry," I heard Annie whisper. 

I looked over to who she said that to. It was Marco. Well half of Marco. Marco. I liked him, he respected my boundaries. He was kind, he was caring. He was also a very good singer. He sung songs that my mother hadn't sung to me since I was a child. He was a light. He was also dead. He was in my squad. I could have stopped this if I was by him. 

Jean. Where was Jean and does he know. I never practically liked Jean, but Marco was his best friend. Jean needed someone right now. I'm someone. I think.

Once clean up is done I start looking for Jean. I go down hallways, stair cases, and the boys dorms. I was just about to give up and call it quits until I heard sniffles down the hall. I walk towards it. I was fully prepared to walk away if it wasn't Jean. It was Jean crying on the balcony. Damn why is it always the balcony?

"Jean?" I speak out to him.

"F/n" Jean wipes his tears and stands up.

"You don't have to cover up for me. It's alright to cry. I heard about Marco and I wanted to make sure you were okay." 

"Okay? Do you think I could possibly be 'okay' when my best friend died."

"No. I'm just bad at words. I wanted to know if you needed someone to comfort you." I whispered the last part. 

"What? I don't know what you're saying when you whisper it." Jeans tells me.

"I said 'I wanted to know if you needed someone to comfort you' that's what I said, so take it or leave it and don't patronize me." I warned him.

"I never knew you were a caring person," Jean sounded genuinely surprised.

"Well I am," I say while awkwardly patting his back. 

"Well you're bad at it," Jean answered.

"You know you can just cry and I can just be here for you,"

So that's what he does. He cry's and I do let a few tears slip here and there. I patently rub Jeans back while he finishes crying. 

"I'm sorry if I'm bad at comforting you," I say in a hushed tone.

"The thought is what counts," Jeans wipes his tears away.

"Do you want to sit next to me at dinner?" I ask, a bit nervous incase I get rejected.

"Yeah, yeah I think that would be great," 

I stand up and offer my hand to him. We walk away from the balcony down the hallway to get some food.

It's now the next morning. Through out the night I rethought my life.

What's even the point now? What am I even here for? 

No I was here for a reason. I wanted to see the world. I wanted freedom, to not be held by the walls. To figure out something that others couldn't. To find out about titans.

Eren was here for some of the same reasons.

I head down to the dinning hall for breakfast. I sit at an empty table. Conny being the annoying bastard he is sat next to me. 

"You know that I thought you were stupid enough to die yesterday," Conny says.

"Did you know that I thought you were stupid enough to die yesterday,"

"Well you went with Eren so that was stupid enough of you," Conny counters.

"Well..well..dang it you win I couldn't come up with a good comeback," I say.

"What I couldn't hear you. Did you just say I win?" Conny holds a hand to his ear.

So I slap him upside the head and go back to eating my disgusting food. I can hear Conny muttering about how much of a bitch I am.

Someone opened the door from the Military Police. He asked for Mikasa, Armin, and I. 

I knew what was happening now. They were gonna decide Erens fate. 

Once we got into the court room it was full of people from all over the Military. The judge was Darius Zackly, the General of all of the three branches.

Then there was Eren chained up in the middle of the room, like he was some kind of monster. I felt sorry for him, that him of all people had to go through this. 

Mikasa gave her statement. It was all for not. They brought up that her and Eren had killed three people at the age of nine. I was shocked, but not surprised. It was Eren and Mikasa after all. 

In the end Captain Ackermann beat-up Eren, so he was battered and bruised. 

At least Eren was safe and not being dissected by the Military Police.  He was joining the scouts before the rest pf us. He's going to be training with his titan powers, well that's just what I think.

After a couple of days have past we were all called into a room and to bring our gear to bet checked. I stood next to Armin and waiting for ours to be checked. While Armin was talking to Annie and Reiner, I noticed something strange about Annie's gear. It looked like Marco's. I know because Armin and I helped Marco with his gear. So why did Annie have it.  

 Sorry that this is two weeks late and not very long i was just serving a depressive episode. 


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