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A/N I've already talked about this on my message board. But whenever I update a new chapter this seems to update as well, nothing new has happened, I don't know if you get a notification, but if you do, don't mind it, unless it is a new chapter. Thank you lovelies <3

I wiped the sweat off my forehead. The sun beamed down on all of us as we worked through the farm. I picked up my last bag of beetroot and placed it in the cart, watching it roll away, I smiled. I saw a few teenagers walk past me laughing and smiling together, I couldn't remember their names, nor their last. It confused me how some people could remember everybody. Guess that's what kindness does, it makes you thoughtful.
I leapt forward as a stinging pain went through my back. "You normally get on the cart when you finish, what's new?" I looked behind me as a boy with fluffy brown hair and green eyes looked at me. I shrugged and started walking towards the gates.

"Don't know, guess I just want to walk and think about tomorrow." I explained. I looked at the boy as I tried to recall his name. Keeping to myself was a good thing at times, but not in this faction, especially when everyone knows you and you don't know no one. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Daniel." I hummed. "My names Daniel, you're Y/n, right?" I nodded. "Right. You're the one that keeps to herself. Or so everyone thinks."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused turning my body towards him.

"I saw you and Emily picking fights with each other a few days ago, how much does that happen?" My eyes widened as I looked at him. Curious, that's what he was, an Erudite trait.

"Doesn't happen much. Only when it needs to happen." I started walking again slightly faster. Daniel was clearly taller than me, if it wasn't for the exceptional height difference that told you, it was how fast he caught up to me.

"Needs to?" I stoped and huffed. I only wanted to go home and change my clothes, maybe have a shower. But I was nowhere close to the gates and I don't think I would be able to go straight home with this boy tailing me.

"You're curious you know that?" He raised an eyebrow with an amused smile. "That's an Erudite trait, if you are thinking bout joining them, don't talk to me." His smile faltered as I walked again. I never trusted Erudite's, mostly cause they were so smart that you wouldn't know if they manipulated you. They weren't Candor, they can create lies and have evidence to back it up. I'm also not a big fan of Jenine, what she says about Abnegation is horrid. I guess that's my Amity trait, my only one. I made it a few feet away before I heard rushed feet behind me.

"I'm sorry." I looked at him from the corner of my eye as I spotted a smile. Amity smiled a lot, I don't know why. What is there to smile about? The fact everyone was distributed into groups and given labels? The fact your life course is set by the time you're three and know about the important choices you have to make at sixteen? "I was not planning on joining Erudite. I'm not usually curious, only when people catch my interest."

"And what is so interesting about me?" So close to the gates.

"I don't know. You aren't like other Amity, you're... brave, but kind. You don't take crap. Plus what kind of Amity do you see wearing tight clothing in their free time?" I stopped and turned in front of the gates.

"What?" I spat.

"Okay that came out as creepy. I walk past your house to get to mine. Sometimes I'll catch you wearing black shirts that show your shoulders." I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Is that a problem? If you haven't noticed it isn't exactly cold. Plus most people show shoulders." I stated swinging my arm towards the farmers. Some people wore shoulder dresses from the heat.

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