Chapter Twenty-four

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EDEN PULLED HER robe tight around herself as a chilly breeze swept through an open window into the corridor. She looked around skittishly, wondering where Daphne could be.

Eden walked slowly through the scarcely lit corridor. It was so dark and empty that it gave her a sinister feeling. The sound of her ragged breathing echoed against the cold damp walls making her suddenly realize how quiet it was. It was so eerily silent that it hung in the air, thick and heavy.

A voice in her head grew louder, urging her to go back to her dormitory.

Her heart rate picked up as reality clawed its way into her mind. She was alone, an easy target.

She would make easy Death Eater bait right now.

Doubt overcame her and she turned around, her heart banging harshly against her chest. She needed to get away from here and fast.

She was on her way back to the Portrait of the Fat Lady when a noise abruptly brought her to a stop. The slapping of feet against the marble tiles filled her ears.

She froze, paralyzed, as she imagined a Death Eater running into her. Her breath caught in her throat as she stood there, her soul separated from her body.

A blinding white light beamed through her eyelids and as she stumbled backward an arm caught her.

"That took you long enough." A deep feminine voice spoke. "I almost thought you'd stood me up."

Eden squinted as moving spots of brightness dissolved from her vision. Daphne Greengrass stood in front of her, brown curls dangling from her shoulders.

Eden cleared her throat and her muscles eased. "Wh- why have you  been following me."

Daphne arched an eyebrow in a perfect imitation of the Slytherin's mean girls. "Well, isn't it obvious? I'm trying to tell you something." She giggled. "Follow me."

Eden struggled to keep up as Daphne ran towards an empty classroom. She pulled Eden inside and clicked the door sharply closed behind them.

Eden stared at Daphne who circled playfully around her. "Things are changing, Gray." Her voice was tight. "Call it... a shifting of the winds."

Eden furrowed her brows.  "What are you talking about?"

"As a Muggle-born, it's not safe to wander around the corridors this time of night," Daphne said, inching closer. "It's not only outside these walls that things are ... escalating."

Adrenaline coursed through Eden's veins and she wiped her sweaty palms on her robes.

"Don't be nervous," Daphne whispered.

"I suppose you're here to warn me then?" Eden said.

Daphne smiled. "Really bright, aren't you?" She cocked her head back slightly, pushing her forearms on the desk in front of Eden. "I can't tell you exactly."

"Then what are you doing here, Daphne?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Daphne's eyes, clearly impressed on how she'd used her first name.

"Draco didn't know that Pansy wrote you that letter."

Eden's mouth went dry. He didn't?

"It was quite the drama actually." Daphne continued, her eyes glittering slightly. "He kicked her out immediately, to Theo's great annoyance."

Pansy was kissing Theodore Nott back at the platform.

'I don't understand—'

"Pansy felt like she had to do it. And I'll admit that at first I was a little angry but then I realized that you might in fact be endangering Draco."

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