Chapter Two

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Hello, besties! Important note: THEY'RE IN YEAR FIVE FROM NOW ON. I picture them as seventeen/eighteen years old.

[Note from 04/15/2021] I urge you all to vote. This increases my credibility and motivates me a lot. This chapter has 3K reads and ONLY 150 votes. It's incredibly disheartening because I don't know whether you like my fic or not. If these votes won't add up more in the future, I'm taking this fanfiction offline. I'm sorry.

On a more positive note: This chapter is dedicated to one of my readers. You've been here since I started writing. You've always supported me and I'm so grateful. Ily <3


THE RAMBUNCTIOUS BLARING of the small alarm clock jarred Eden out of her sleep. She couldn't shake the buzzing in her ears as she leaped up and smashed the snooze button as hard as she could. How in Merlin's beard could it already be a quarter to two?

"Oh no," she mumbled, as she realized that there were only fifteen minutes left until Potions class started. She dreaded the thought of another gloomy detention with Snape. She couldn't be late.

Fumbling with the buttons of her blouse, she cursed. How could she have napped this long? Why hadn't Hermione woken her? And where in Godric's name were her robes?

After struggling for nearly ten minutes straight, she stormed out of the dormitory. Beating the familiar path down to the dungeon classroom, she saw that everyone was already inside. The large timber door was tightly shut and from inside boomed Snape's silky voice. She gulped nervously. He'd most definitely hex her for being late.

Sucking in a sharp breath, she pushed the door slightly ajar. The dungeon was, most unusually, already full of vapors and odd smells; which only worsened her case. She carefully tiptoed inside and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could—

"Ah, Miss Gray. How unpleasant of you to join us," said Snape, his harsh and unbothered tone shooting right through her core.

Eden turned around to see everyone staring at her, Malfoy and his gang snickering in the back.

"I'm sorry I'm late professor," Eden mumbled.

"Fifteen points from Gryffindor," Snape said.

Eden gasped. "What? You can't be serious, sir—

"Another five points for talking back."

Hot anger licked her insides and a ravenous urge to say something back was overcoming her senses. Her lips parted but she quickly swallowed her words as she eyed Harry and Neville, both vigorously shaking their heads at her. She walked over to them, her cheeks burning the same color as Ron's hair and she reluctantly took a seat.

Even though the mere thought of Severus Snape and his abnormally large nose almost sent her cauldron flying, Potions was her favorite subject ever since she'd started her journey at Hogwarts. It took her a great deal to control her temper and she blamed it on the so-called blazing Gryffindor fire that roared inside of her each time she laid eyes on him, but she had to be in charge of it.

She couldn't afford to get kicked out of Potions. For all matters, it was the only subject that truly fascinated her. She inhaled the potion's fumes very slowly and deeply, trying to calm down. It seemed to be filling her up like a drink and she shot Harry a lazy grin. He worriedly peeked at her, probably thinking that she wouldn't have been able to control her fury. It seemed funny to her, he'd been, after all, the pure definition of rage and bitterness since June. He was the one that wasn't able to control his Gryffindor fire. Clearly worse than her, she scoffed.

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