Chapter Nineteen

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SHE STARED at the watery pale moonlight, peering through her window, faintly illuminating her bedroom ceiling. She shifted to the side of her bed and her eyes glazed over with a glassy layer of tears. She closed her lips tightly in an attempt to hide any sound that might escape from her mouth.

It had been weeks since she'd last seen her friends, even longer since she'd last seen him.

The Ministry of Magic highly advised everyone to stay inside and they forbade travelling.

Over the past month, the world had turned black under the grip of Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Rumours circled, claiming that Hogwarts was no longer safe. Eden thought it was rubbish, Hogwarts was the safest place on earth! Especially with Albus Dumbledore there!

Eden sighed. Another sleepless night. She rubbed her temples and straightened herself, carefully placing her feet on the carpet, the fur tickling her toes. She walked over to the drawers of her desk, where she'd hidden some cigarettes. A habit she'd begun during the summer.

Her eye caught the mess of newspapers, spread out on her desk. The headline of one blared:

'Protecting your home and family against dark forces.'

Eden scowled at the words and thought about her parents. What would happen to them if Death Eaters caught them?

She shivered and her mind reeled towards the Death Eaters she'd seen at the ministry, one standing out to her in particular. Bellatrix Lestrange.

Eden's heart thundered in her ears as she pictured Bellatrix. Her gracious Death Eater mask stared back at her.

Eden shook her head, trying to get Bellatrix out of it but instead she came closer and closer, laughing like a maniac.

Eden pressed her eyes closed in an attempt to ward off the pain stacking up in her chest. Crucio.

The agonizing pain entered Eden's body again but this time, in her mind, she saw her parents getting hit by the curse instead.

A sensation of sharp needles sinking into her body came over her as she saw her parents writhe in pain on the floor.

Eden grasped her desk tight, almost slipping because her hands were so sweaty.

Breathe for me, you can do it. Draco's words buzzed inside her head and Eden ran towards the window, forcing it open, desperate for air.

Another panic attack. Ever since she'd returned home, they'd happened more frequently.

She sat on her window-sill and pushed her head outside the window, taking in deep slugs of air. She felt hot and cold, as though struck by the flu.

She gazed at the clouds gathering, a silver-fade, from the strongest of grey to soft whites. It reminded her of Draco's stormy eyes.

She missed him and the feeling was simply too hellish to ignore.

A week after the journey back to London aboard the Hogwarts Express, the Prophet had reported that Lucius Malfoy was facing  charges punishable with a year in Azkaban. Eden had wanted to write a letter to Draco, sending him her kindest regards or something, but she'd never gotten past 'Dear Draco,'.

He'd warned her not to send a letter. It would only make things more difficult for them, so, she hadn't. What would she say anyways? I'm sorry your father has to serve a year? Hell, if it were up to her, Lucius Malfoy could rot in Azkaban forever, but she couldn't write that ofcourse.

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