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Uneven...heavy...footsteps is what Shiro heard. Ciel (lol bro I'm sorry Ciel you just kinda disappeared), shifted into his wolf form. Shiro was much too tired to do so and let Ciel leap at the sound.

Shuffling was heard and Ciel was back, but in his human form, tightly gripping a young lady.

"Persephone..." Shiro called.

She was in a battered state, her dress torn apart, hair tangled and scratches everywhere.

Ciel let her go and she trudged towards them, she looked at Shiro "What did he do to her?"

Shiro place his hand on his cold sister's cheek "He killed my sister. He killed my friend."

________ held the lifeless body, stone cold of death, knowing that she was gone. Sebastian gazed blankly at his daughter's body, he then knelt down and his eyes glowed a harsh light, a weak light arose from her chest and Sebastian continued to glare at the light.

"What is he..." Persephone mumbled.

"Sebastian...I don't know." _______ cried.

But the elder demon kept looking at the light, controlling it, restraining it, trying to...

"Keep it alive." Ciel answered Shiro's thoughts.

"It is mentally and physically taxing to control a soul's fate." Ciel added.

"I've done it before with Sebastian, but I triggered it by accident because I was so desperate. I guess Sebastian...had stockpiled a little bit of energy in case something like this happened." _______ murmured.

"Can I help?"

Shiro looked at Persephone "You don't need to, you suffered enough, look at you-"

"Your sister's suffering is a tenfold compared to mine. So I will sacrifice something for her." Her wings unfolded in their golden shining.

"I won't die, I'm just passing my will to her you know?" Persephone smiled at Shiro.

Shiro seemed taken aback "Are you sure you want to-"

"Hey, this is out of your hands now Prince Shiro. Don't go making me think twice about reviving your sister."

Shiro sent an unsatisfactory glare at her "Persephone."

"Haha kidding."

And her wings shattered and floated towards the weak flickering soul of Charle Michaelis.


Charle groaned when she walked around in this odd space of white. Looking around, not fearfully, but more like aimlessly.

"If this is heaven then that's going to be a little weird." Charle called out.

She was greeted by a lady in a glimmering dress, smiling. It seemed very familiar. Warm smile, motherly eyes, whoever this woman was, Charle could not feel any ounce of fear.

"Am I dead?" Charle asked.

Inwardly smacking her head at the question. Of course, the first thing you ask is if you're dead.

The woman chuckled "No, little one, your soul is yet to be one with us."

"Who...?" Charle still dizzy from the series of events.

Forevermore, Eternity EverlastingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin