Over 400 followers flashback special: Reader's unfortunate day

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Author-chan:...OH MY GOSHES! 400 Followers! I WUV YOU ALL SO MUCH!! Because I wuv you all so much I decided to throw some thing that happened in the past, that wasn't added in my books before.

WARNING: Puking.

Flashback, before _____ left, start of the third book.

______ clutched her stomach and groaned.

"_____! Are you alright?!" Mey-rin squeaks.

"I think so...sorry" ______ tries to get up but fails.

"Ugh I feel awful" ______ runs towards the garbage can and starts throwing up.

"_____! Are you sure you're doing alright?"

"I don't know, I-"

More puking...

"I was fine a moment a go, ugh if this keeps up I won't get anything done today"

"You should just rest a bit, you have been staying up pretty late with Sebastian lately. I mean ever since he proposed to you and all, you stayed by his side a lot."

______ blushed, having a few 'steamy' memories coming streaming back into her mind.

"Oi! _______! You alright?" Bard exclaims.

"She's heating up, yes she is!"

"What the Hell do we do?!"

"Get a wet cloth!"

Bard and Mey-rin scrambled about, trying to help you.

"H-Hey, you two should just concentrate on your work. I don't want to be a nuisa-"

You throw up into the garbage.

'Ugh! This is awful! The fact that I can't tell Sebastian and throwing up is just the most disgusting feeling ever'

"Here dear" Mey-rin puts a towel on your forehead.

You sighed as you felt your head cool, of course only to find yourself throwing up.


"This is the most awful and sickening moment of my li-"

You run to the garbage and spit up again.

But bump into Sebastian.

'Damnit...I'm screwed now. I haven't been able to go through a whole conversation without running off and spitting up.'

"Why hello there" Sebastian smiles.


"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning?"

"Aren't you supposed to-"

'Ugh, great I sound like a person who cannot think straight'

Sebastian nuzzles your forehead "You seem at unease"


You run off, your stomach was starting to twist into knots once more. Spitting up, you felt awful that you just ran off.


'I can't even hide it anymore'

You felt so sick, it was a disgusting feeling as you spat up some more. Sebastian was at your side, rubbing your back.

Finally when you finished, you cleaned yourself up.

"At least tell me what has been happening" Sebastian caressed your cheek.

Your stomach growled, your face flushed.

Sebastian chuckled "Looks like my sweet little angora is hungry"

He kissed your belly, you looked shocked at this reaction.

'He has no knowledge of his own child...'

You smiled and stroked his perfect pitch black hair.

'Yet, he acts as if he were a father...'

"What do you want to eat?"

You sighed "Anything is fine, as long as you make it"

Sebastian smirked seductively "Anything?"

Your face flushed, you tore away from him.

"I don't even know why I bother!" You say slapping his face.

He let out a little bit of amusement "I was joking"

"You ruined it for me!"

"My love..." Sebastian sighs playfully.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

Author-chan: Hope you liked your (mis)fortunate!

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