+666/+700 Followers? More facts about me? Yup!

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I'm not a Satanist by the way (that counts as a fact) lets do it! 66 facts!

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2. I am very picky with how my photos look. If it's taking pictures or editing them

3. I haven't attended many conventions only one but thrice.

4. In general, I have a good passion for writing.

5. In video games I get really attached to the storyline

6. I started this series when I was eleven years old. (Yeah I was pretty stupid)

7. I'm very persistent with things sometimes. To the point where I'm labelled as stubborn XD

8. I do not have an editor to my stories

9. I come up with all my plots alone, edit on my own (my own time). I do have inspiration in others, but that's about it.

10.My music selection is very random. I have Vocaloid, Nightcore, Remixes, Mashups, Classical Music, and Game soundtracks.

11. My weakest subjects are math and PE, my strongest are LA and my Band option.

12. I totally wouldn't be writing today if it wasn't for my parents forcing me to read every day, this lead to my "oddly impressive" vocabulary when I was young.

13. I can be very dependent or very independent in some situations.

14. I was originally left handed, until I was forced to write with my right hand. But I still have the left handed attribute in some things. Piano was easier to master, in sports I serve a volleyball with my left, in basketball I usually stay on my left if necessary and I shoot with my left.

15. I can and or will be a brat to people who try to piss me off. I really don't have any fear or shame if someone wants to try to shame me.

16. I'm rather odd because I can multitask, yet get stressed easily.

17. Usually my stress is built on my own stubbornness.

18. I'm obsessed with really aesthetic sounding words.

19. Foreshadowing is my favourite literary device and...other reasons.

20. I do have anime biases, Only three though, kinda almost four, but still. Three.

21. I'm not homophobic, I'm neutral on it, so if you're gay, you're gay, right? I don't care, just don't treat me like crap, fair? I have friends that aren't straight and they're still hella awesome.

22. Relationship status? Hella single and I'm fine with it. There's benefits in being single and relationships so I don't see any losses.

23. So before I became really lazy, I use to do ballet and swimming. I still swim and can pirouette.

24. I feel slightly guilty if I do bad in a specific class or just something bad in general (not that I do), thinking that my brother's reputation can be affected too. In both school and in public. You see why I refrain from writing lemons guys.

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