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Sam and Clary rushed together to the OPs center when the alarm beeped loudly, disturbing their earlier conversation about how they'd save their mother now that they found the Cup, "What's happening? " Sam inquired, looking at the Shadowhunters tha...

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Sam and Clary rushed together to the OPs center when the alarm beeped loudly, disturbing their earlier conversation about how they'd save their mother now that they found the Cup, "What's happening? " Sam inquired, looking at the Shadowhunters that were huddled together around one of the screens that blared alarming lights.

"Looks like someone's trying to break in." Izzy answered the blonde, staring at the screens in wonder, "Could be the Circle."

"Told you so." Alec said, raising his eyebrows at his Parabati, who shook his head, brushing him off, "Too soon."

The five of them hastened to get out of the institute with their weapons in hand, ready to fend off the intruder. Sam squinted her eyes, trying to look past the shadows of darkness that swirled in front of her threatening to wrap her into it, "Don't move." Jace yelled though the blonde wasn't sure if there was even anyone there.

She was about to say something when the words died in her throat. She finally saw who Jace was yelling about; through the darkness, a man moved gracefully with a body in his hands, "Drop what you're holding. Put your hands up." Alec shouted, but the blonde could barely register what was going on.

When the man walked in the light, she saw Raphael so she lowered her weapon but still kept her guard up because of the body that laid lifelessly in his hand, she peeped at the body eying it carefully, her mouth gaped in shock when she realized the body that the vampire was carrying was indeed Simon.

Clary dropped her blade in shock, her eyes frantic as it fell on her best friend's lifeless body, "Oh, my God, Simon!" She screeched in horror.

Sam stood by her sister, who held Simon's hand, tears streaming down her face. She didn't understand what happened and couldn't help the tinge of guilt she felt in her heart when her eyes fell on Simon's body because, after all, she doesn't have anyone to blame but herself for involving the guy in the shadow world.

"People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter." Jace said, his voice restrained, glancing at Alec, who got the hint thrown at him by the blonde, "I'll go. I'll tell them we didn't find anything. Nobody will come down here." He said before taking his leave out of the basement.

Sam crossed her arms in front of her chest, she and Simon weren't that close considering the age difference, although he spent the holidays with them most of the time he was over at her house, she always remembered coming home from school to see him and her sister huddled together on the couch bickering over which movie to watch, he'd always been nice her sometimes annoying but nice never the less.

"I might be a vampire... but I was raised a good Catholic," Raphael said, making the sign of the cross over his heart. Izzy watched him with narrowed eyes, "The Vampires breached the Accords. Killing Simon is grounds for war."

Raphael shook his head, his voice steady as he spoke, "The Vampires were not behind this. Just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own."

Sam scoffed; how should she trust the vampire who kidnapped Simon in the first place? How is she supposed to believe anything he tells her, "And how do we know you're telling the truth?"

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