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Magnus scrunched up his face, checking on Luke with his magic, "The magic's wearing off

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Magnus scrunched up his face, checking on Luke with his magic, "The magic's wearing off." He informed,

Luke yelled in pain, "It was our fault. It was our fault!" He shouted

"I'm running out of magic," Magnus yelled, restraining himself, "I can't leave him, but the potion stock still needs Komodo scale. Find it, add the rest when they get here. You'll have to feed it to Luke." He instructed them. Clary ran to the other room, quickly following Magnus' instructions. Sam looked at Magnus knitting her eyebrows together, worried about the warlock who was slowly losing his energy, "What about you?"

"I'll hold on as long as I can. Go!" He yelled. The blonde was reluctant to leave the warlock alone before running to the other room after her sister helping her to get the potion ready until Jace and Simon show up with the rest of the ingredients.

"Sam!" She heard Jace call out to her, so she ran to the door, looking at him frantically, "Do you have it?" He nodded, handing the ingredients to her before she hastened back to the kitchen, pouring the ingredients into the potion Clary was making.

Clary finished the potion giving it to Sam, who moved to Luke, pouring it in his mouth. It took a few seconds before he finally opened his eyes, "Hey, Sam." He attempted a smile as he looked at the blonde, who sighed in relief.

Alec, who helped Magnus was about to leave the room when Sam stopped him, "Alec, wait. If you hadn't gotten here in time, I don't know what would have happened. Thank you. I'm glad you and Jace are okay again."

"I didn't do this for Jace." He admitted.

"Then I'm glad you're finally doing something for yourself, " She stated with a small smile. Jace entered after Alec left, smiling at the blonde, "You have an interesting effect on people, Sam Fray."

"I like to think it's because of my insanely good looks," She said with a smirk making Jace grin shaking his head, "But really though. Thank you, Jace," Sam said, taking extra steps to the Shadowhunter who seemed as drawn to her as she was to him.

He shrugged, dismissing her gratitude. "For what? For running an errand?"

She shook her head, smiling faintly, "For being here for me, for having my back."

He took a few steps towards her now an inch was barely between them, "I'm always gonna have your back." He promised, stroking her cheek affectionately. The blonde relaxed at his touch, closing her eyes momentarily.

Sam and Clary leaned on the doorway side, watching Luke getting settled on the bed by Magnus. The warlock looked from Luke to the sisters nodding his head, "I'll leave you three alone."

Sam raised her eyebrows at the werewolf approaching his bed, "You need to know everything. It'll help you find the Mortal Cup." Luke started.

"How?" Clary wondered, standing beside her sister as they both watched Luke, who shook his head, staring dead serious at the two sisters, "You're just gonna have to trust me." He stated

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