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Sam ran through the hallways, barely even catching her breath

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Sam ran through the hallways, barely even catching her breath. It's not like she could slow down or even stop, but thinking about Jace made her stop, Jace had been through a lot with her, he just left his Parabatai behind, and she wanted to show him how much she appreciated him being here for her.

"Jace! Just hold on a second," She breathed out, stopping in her tracks. She was exhausted, trying to get her breathing back to normal. Jace had stopped spinning around with a frantic look before realizing the blonde was probably just taking her breath.

"It's okay. We can take a breather." He said, walking over to her as she put her hand on her chest, trying to calm down her racing heart. She gulped slowly, turning to look at him, "No, it's not that. I, um..." She glanced at Izzy, giving her a meaningful look which Izzy gratefully understood.

"I'll scout ahead." She said, leaving the couple alone to have their conversation.

Sam had calmed down as she let her eyes trail up to Jace's eyes, "I just realized that I'm putting you through all this trouble, and you never even asked for it. I'm sorry," She apologized, and she meant it, he was not only helping her but he was also taking care of her, listening to her when she needed a shoulder.

"You don't have to apologize to me, Sam."

"Too bad, You can't stop me." She stated with a shrug, he nodded with a small smile, "Well, yeah, I'm starting to see that."

"It's just... I've been so caught up in my own problems between Clary and finding my mom that I never even stopped to think about how much you've actually done for me. So, thank you." She thanked the blonde who was by her side all this time, keeping her and Clary safe, she wanted to do more than thanks yous, but it's not the time though that would never stop her from talking her mind.

"You know, you're not too bad yourself. You've been kicking some pretty serious ass. At least, you almost got my ass kicked."

"You know you keep giving me these compliments, and I'll actually believe I'm good at this"

"Hey," He put his hand on her shoulder, Sam melted a little at the sparks but tried to keep a straight face, "You are good at this. I believe in you, Sam Fray. " They both smiled at each other.

They took off running after Izzy, whom they found standing in the middle of a crossroads, "Guys? It's pulsing." Izzy said, referring to her necklace that pulsed, indicating that demons were nearby, "Getting close. Let's spread out."

The three of them got their blades ready as they walked carefully through the tunnel,  "Izzy, where is it?" Sam wondered, squinting her eyes, searching for the demon that Izzy's necklace had been buzzing about.

"I don't know. It's like they're right here, but I don't see them." Izzy answered as all of them looked around, anticipating the demons. A noise was heard from nearby, and before anyone can grasp what's going on, a big scorpion-like animal jumped onto Jace, pushing the blonde to the ground. Jace struggled with the demon for a few seconds before piercing it with his blade.

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