The gang is back together

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Sophie cried as the wind wiped her face. Fat loathsome tears stained her soft white cheeks. Tams arms wrapped around her tight, his face pretty panicked.


"WE LEFT HIM!" She screamed back. He groaned loudly (loud enough for her to hear him which was astonishing.)

"SO WHAT? JUST PLUMMET TO OUR DEATHS." Sophie pouted and sighed.

"FINE!" She opened a portal and they flung in there. Opening her eyes to the black swan headquarters door she zapped right in front of it.

"Oh my god we LIVED!" He jumped down and kissed the grass. "I thought we were going to die! We almost did die! Oh my god! The ground! It's glorious!"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "You lived tam thong!"

Tam frowned, "it's Song Sophie."

Sophie's mouth flew open and words couldn't form. She was about to speak up with the door creaked open.

"Sophie...?" Linh hesitantly called out. Sophie forgot all about the new descovery at hand, wasting no time in running to her and throwing her hands around her. Linhs thin body shook as tears racked both of their own bodys. Tam causally walked over to see Linhs face.

"Linh?" He whispered, Linh looked up from her hug and saw-

"TAM!" She screamed, forgetting ALL about Sophie and running to hug him. She wrapped her soft gentle arms and squeezed with all her might.

"You're alive." She whispered and tears spilled down her cheeks. "You're alive."

"Yeah no thanks to Sophie over here." She gasped and smacked him. He rubbed his arm. "Alright fine, technically she's the only reason I was able to escape. There I said it."

Linh turned to her, her eyes were red and puffy.

"Thank you." She cried and went back to hugging him. And Sophie could of sworn she saw the biggest smile she had ever seen present on tams face.

"I heard a lot of commotion, what's going on- Sophie!" Sophie turned around and there he was, right in the old cracked doorway was Grady.

"Dad!" She screamed and hugged him. A few tears now spilling from her eyes.

"EDALINE!" He shouted, not for a second taking his eyes off of Sophie though.

"What is it- SOPHIE!" By now Sophie was getting overwhelmed. It especially didn't help when Dex came in through the door, and joined the big group hug that was forming quicker and quicker by the seconds.

"Where- Sophie-"

"Neverseen." Was all she said and regretted it immediately as the giant hug tightened.

"We were afraid so." Spoke mister Forkle.

"We're just glad your alright." Said fitz, though Sophie's not entirely sure where he came from and where in the hug he was.

It was a big hug.

"Alright alright give her room!" Biana yelled, shoving them away. Taking Sophie's hands she smiled at her.

"We're glad your okay."

Sophie was not ok. In fact, this was the opposite of ok.

She missed Keefe.

A lot.

She missed his eyes, she missed his smiles and most of all she missed his words. His sweet words that rang around her ears when she was at her worst. She could even still smell the ice blue candy he for some reason carried around 24/7.

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