No you cant sophie as a souviner keefe

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Sophie woke up to an empty room, her mind was foggy and misplaced almost. She tried to run through her thoughts but it gave her a splitting headache. Footsteps pattered outside and the door creaked open. Entering was the familiar ice eyed elf she had grown to... almost trust.

You can't trust anyone. The words played in her mind, but she did. She trusted Keefe with her life. If Keefe told her to jump off a cliff she would.

Those thoughts are dangerous, yet they lingered, the prickled at her mind. Her anxiety only grew as they stabbed her thoughts.

Keefe quietly walked in and sat down across from her. She had received new chains, they went around her wrist and Emitted a soft gold glow around her hands and arms.

Keefe frowned and fiddled with his jacket, anxiety clear in his eyes. He pondered a question over and over again in his mind before he finally opened his lips. "Why did you try and run away?"

The question stumped Sophie, not because she didn't know why but why Keefe couldn't figure it out.

"Keefe I don't know if you noticed but I'm a hostage here" he sighed and ran a shaking hand through his hair. The tears leaking down his cheeks.

"They're going to hurt you." He quietly said, Sophie's mind exploded, her heart filled with dread. Her breaths shortened, panicked, her mind was shutting down, everything hurt, everything stung, she couldn't see straight.

Keefe's hands shook as he looked at her. "They're going to burn you"

"Right we are!" Keefe's head snapped back to see Fintan and his mom. He placed his body in front of hers.

"No! Please don't hurt her!" He waved his arms around like a mad man, backing up so he completely covered her. "This isn't right!"

"She shouldn't have run away. Keefe, here" she pointed down to the spot next to her. Sophie looked over at Keefe, his eyes swam with dread.

"Mom plea-" she stomped her foot, radiating the sound all around the room. It bounced into Sophie's ears making her wince.

"What have I said about getting attached!" Gisela shouted, grabbing her son by the ear and dragging him. Not before slapping him hard and whispering something in his ear. He looked back at Sophie and mouthed something she couldn't understand.

She squeezed herself against the wall, Fintan exchanged a short conversation with Gisela before smiling and walking towards her.

Each malicious footstep tapped louder as he neared. He took his sweet time walking towards her so he could burn her. He kneeled and smiled at her. Fire danced in his eyes. She squirmed and a quiet sob escaped her lips.

He reached towards her and touched his cold thin hand to her skin. His hand started to warm up, slowly at first, it was warm and comforting. But as the temperature rose it became less comforting and more painful. His skin felt like hot coals as it burned into her skin. She shouted in pain, tears falling out of her eyes. All she could feel was pain, pain, pain pain.

It consumed her mind, burning hotter and hotter. Sweat evaporated on her head, her arm hairs singed.

Worst of all Fintan's smile burned into her mind hotter than the flame.

Someone was crying and shouting yet his voice was crackled by the flame.

Then the heat stopped. Her thoughts jumped back to her head, she looked up to Keefe on the ground, he had tear stains on his shirt and his eyes were full of pain and fear.

"Stop! I'll get her to tell you information if you just stop!" Fintan smiled and tapped his chin.

"I won't hurt her if you can get me any good information. You got 5 minutes after that little miss foster will learn what a brand is" he swiftly walked to the back of the room.

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