Stabbing people is a delicasy

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Alvar stood around the glass black table, small droplets of water tapping his shoulder, begging for attention.

"We need to stop prolonging this, let's just burn the blond naked mole-rat alive and be done with it," Brant spoke from where he was burning a little toy house.

"We need her for the plan!" Lady Gisela rubbed her hands on her nose. "You are so impatient Brant, remember that we actually have goals and our objective is not to just go 'FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!' Every time you see something slightly flammable."

"Your no fun." He pouted, burning all of their notepads. "Fire is fun."

"Fire is unpredictable like you Brant, don't rush things." He sighed and leaned back.

"Well, what do you propose we do?" He raised an eyebrow tapping his hands together.

Alvar raised a slight hand. "What if we keep her alive as a trophy of war." He suggested quietly.

"You and your stupid attachments," Gisela growled. "That may be the stupidest plan I've heard from this table yet and Brant once suggested we light a bunch of robotic cats on fire and send them in mass waves against the council."

Brant slammed his fist into the black obsidian table. "ITS A GOOD IDEA AND YOU KNOW IT."

"Enough!" Fintan shouted, emerging from the black fog corner he was sulking in. "We stick to the plan, break Sophie, force her to join our order, black swan panics over what to do, we swoop in like crested caracaras and badabingnadaboom black swan bye bye hello Neverseen and fire!"

"All you care about is your stupid fire." Gethen rolled his eyes.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK," Brant shouted, climbing on the table.

"Oh, would you chill out!" Lady Gisela groaned.

"He called FIRE, STUPID. Those two words should not be in the same sentence!" Brant growled.

"What if it's 'Fire is not stupid'?" Commented Ruy.

Alvar had remained quiet the entire meeting. A flashback of when Sophie had told him he was one of the only people she trusted.

Days later he told the Neverseen her allergy to limbian.

Now he was going to break her, probably even kill her.

A sister.

A friend.

An enemy.

"HOW DARE YOU PUT THIS WATER IN MY FACE!" Brant yelled, throwing fireballs at Ruy.

"You said you were thirsty!" Ruy said, putting up a force field.

"For fire!" Brant growled.

"That makes absolutely no sense." Fintan slammed his face into a wall and turned back.

"Everyone just- leave! Now! My socks all this arguing is giving me a headache." He rubbed his head and walked out. Alvar shortly behind him.

He almost smiled when he saw Keefe walking towards Sophie's cell with his pockets packed full of candies and delights.


Yet he was betraying the boy who grown like family and the girl the boy loved with all his heart.

Alvar stared at Keefe for what most of been 10 minutes before grabbing his shoulder. Keefe turned back confused and before Alvar could change his mind he spoke one sentence that changed everything.

The one sentence that changed Sophie Foster's fate.

The one sentence that changed Keefe Sensen's future.

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