Lord hunkyhair is a way of life

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Keefe silently walked through the neverseen hallways. Every door having the same rusty crust look scrambled on it. He couldn't stop reliving Sophie getting burned alive. Her sobbing screams as she pressed her back to the wall doing anything to avoid the pain.

We are the good guys Keefe that famous line of his mother's felt like such a lie.

Everything was a lie.

Except for Sophie, she was real and socks she was special.

Her dripping wet honey eyes with golden specks swirling around. Blond silk hair that swooshed around on her head.

Socks he was in trouble.

Alvar walked up to him and smiled, placing a hand on his arm. "Hey Keefe, I heard you saw Fintan burn someone."

Alvar had always acted like an older brother to him, taking part of the blame when he did something wrong, sneaking out to get candy, the entire waterworks.

"Yeah" was his whispered voice, the way Alvar said it made it feel wrong like it was normal to burn someone until their skin bubbled.

"I know that's hard to watch for the first time-"

"There's been other times?" Alvar's eyes went wide with the question.

"Er- not the point, the point is we are fighting a war and well in wars people get hurt" Keefe scowled at him.

"Sophie was innocent!" Alvar tsk'd and waved his finger.

"Sophie is the queen pawn in this war. The most powerful and the most essential to eliminate" Keefe scowled at him.

"This isn't a chess game! These are human beings! Goodbye Alvar" he walked off straight for Sophie's door. Alvar pulled out a speaker and whispered into it he's seeing the truth behind our organization. The end crackled before a clear voice broke through.

It seems we'll have to kill the girl after all.

Keefe stood over a sleeping Sophie, adding bandages to her arms

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Keefe stood over a sleeping Sophie, adding bandages to her arms. Her emotions zipped around a millisecond before her eyes peeled open.

"Huh wha-" she rubbed her eyes and looked around. "Oh."

"Hey, Sophie," Keefe smirked but it was dragged down by the pain in his eyes, by the scars on her arms, by the memories they both share.

"Oh hey Keefe" she pushed herself up and smiled, wincing as she did so. Keefe brought her the juiciest fruit he could find, he had spent an hour outside looking for it.

"Here you go Sophie" she smiled and took a bite out of it. Mouthwatering at the juicy outburst that filled her mouth.

"My Gulons Keefe this is delicious" he smiled.

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