Where's Remus?

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Having failed to find Lily the previous day, Remus made sure to look for her today again. They asked a friend of hers.
"Hey Marlene! Do you know where Lily is?" asked Remus with the other three tagging along.
"Yeah she's gone to see Snape I think."
"Oh ok thanks."
"Hey is it true? Did you, Potter, Black and Pettigrew really prank Snape?" she asked with a grin.
"Indeed it is," replied Sirius proudly.
"Wicked. Don't tell Lily I said this but nice job," whispered Marlene.
Sirius and James beamed.
"I honestly don't know why she speaks to him anyways," said Marlene shaking her head.
"Alright Marlene thanks," said Remus.
"No problem."

They found Lily sitting with Severus at the Gryffindor table.
"Hey Lily!" called out Remus.
Lily looked around to see them and turned back to Severus with a frown.
"Look Evans we didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything," said James.
She scoffed. "What are you apologizing to me for? I'm not the one you splashed water on."
"Bloody hell, I'm not saying sorry to that git," whispered Sirius to Remus who replied with a glare.
"Shut. Your. Mouth. Sirius."
"Do whatever you want but I'm not apologizing to him in a million years," spat Sirius and walked away dragging James and Peter, who were secretly glad that they wouldn't have to apologize to Snape after all.

Remus joined them much later that day.
"What? Had fun wagging your tail behind Snivellus? Get his grease all over your face?" sneered Sirius as Remus entered the common room.
"Don't be dense Sirius," said Remus in a bored voice.
"Oh yeah. I'm dense."
"Did you really do it?" asked Peter.
"Do what?" asked Remus.
"Apologize to him?"
"Yes. Lily has forgiven me and I'd say we're rather on good terms now."
"Is that so?" said James with a barely noticeable crease forming on his forehead.
"Yeah she invited me to come study with her in the library tomorrow with Marlene and a few guys from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff."
"I expect Snivellus would be there too?" said Sirius.
"No. He studies with people from his own house."
"Ok come one Sirius how long are you planning to keep this up?" asked Remus.
"As long as I feel like."
James and Peter were trying to dissolve the tension by making stupid jokes when Remus got up and went to bed.

James frowned. They were getting along so well. He enjoyed both Remus and Sirius's company. He himself went to bed after sometime hoping things would turn out to be fine tomorrow morning but how wrong he was.

Remus didn't show up to breakfast next morning, or the lessons, or lunch or dinner. In fact he was gone the whole day. Sirius was a little uncomfortable now. Had he been too harsh? They assumed he was just avoiding Sirius so they all went to bed but Remus wasn't there either.

The next morning when Remus didn't show up again they started to get worried. James made up his mind to talk to Professor McGonagall about it.

At the end of their transfiguration class that morning James stayed back.

"Can I help you Mr. Potter?" she asked.
"Uh professor? Do you know where Remus has gone?"
"Mr. Lupin had to go away on an urgent family issue, he will return in a week I assume."
"Oh," said James letting out a sigh of relief.
"Why is there any problem?"
"No Professor but thank you."
"DO NOT RUN IN THE CORRIDORS MR. POTTER!" shouted McGonagall as James dashed away to tell Sirius and Peter.
"SORRY!" he shouted back not slowing down.

James told Sirius and Peter who let out a sigh of relief as well.
"I thought I'd driven him away or something," admitted Sirius.
"Me too," said Peter and James.
"Please say sorry to Remus when he comes back. We both will too," said James cautiously.
"I will don't worry."
James nodded.

Maybe things would work out after all.

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