Poor piggie

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Working on a drawing 😁

Wilbur was walking through the nether, holding a sword to his chest. He was looking for someone he knew could be very threatening if on the wrong side. As he searched for the hybrid, he could sense someone was watching him, it was a familiar someone.

"..." He opened his mouth for it to be covered immediately. He didn't try and fight it, recognizing the hand. "I told you to stay away and not come back here" the voice sounded mean, not usual for this person.

Wilbur went to move his hands to take the males off him but was stopped by an arrow flying past his head. "He's here you know, I wouldn't do anythink you'll regret" Wilbur nodded as much as he could. He hand was removed and before he could say anything he got a bat to the head.

"Good night....Mr Soot"

Wilbur's Pov-
I jolted away as I gasped for air. My head was spinning and pounding "I told him not to hit you so hard...god he never learns does he" I turned to my left to see Phil. "Even Techno said not to hit you that hard but what can we say, you know how...he's like."

I nodded and groaned slightly as I rubbed the back of my head. "Here, this should help" Techno walked over and placed a ice pack on my head, making me whimpered slightly. "Wea-"

"Shut the fuck up piggy" Wilbur growled before hissing in pain as Techno smaked the back of his head. "Boys be nice to one another, we're all in the same boat here" Phil growler slightly "that's a lie"

"What?" The two turned to look at Wilbur. "I said it's a fucking lie." He stood up "you guys get to live the dream out here, doing whatever the fuck you like while me-" he points to himself "-has to fight in a war and is fighting to get Tommy back-WHO DREAM HAS KIDNAPPED"

The two flinched back slightly.  "Tommys...been kidnapped?" Phil asked, just getting a nod from the younger. He made Wilbur sit back down"It's proberly my fault. I couldnt help him nor could I-" He was cut off by his phone. "Oh uh sorry about this" he stood back up, groaning in pain so Phil pushed him back down...for the second time that afternoon "Take it here" he nodded and answered "Y'ello?"


Wilbur fell quiet in shock as he covered his mouth, dropping his phone. Techno grabbed the Phone "Who is this?" He asked, his voice cold "T-Techno!?" Techno went wide eyed.

"Oh my god...TOMMY!?"

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