Death before dishonor

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Song title. Check it out. It's by five finger death punch

"I'm not sorry for this"

Tommy shoved the tall green boy to the floor as he scarperee away. As dream hit the floor, his hand grabbed Tommy's ankle and pulled it, making Tommy face plant into the mud. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

Tommy spluttered a cough from the mud and dirt as he got on his elbows "not so heroic now are we?" Dream stood up and placed a foot on Tommys back and shoved him down. Tommy let out a groan of pain as he looked up. "We're hooking back inside, understand? Or you'll live in your knees for the rest of your life"

"I chose death before dishonor" Tommy muttered as he got into a sitting position. "I'd rather die than live down on my knees" he got to his feet and looked up at dream. "Berry me like a soldier, with my dignity" he kicked Dream in the balls and sent him to the floor.

"Ow fuck-You little bastard" Dream hissed as he watched the blond run off into the deep forest near the spawn. Tommy ran as fast as he could, trying not to slip and fall on the grass or the branches. The thorny leaves scratched his face and cut it making him bleed. He was lucky that they wouldn't leave scars but they might cause suspicions.

He slipped on the mud and skidded across the floor falling to a cliff. He was breathing heavily as he sat up, wiping the mud from his face. "Fucking hell" he muttered as he stood up, looking down at the cliff.

His thoughts ran wild as he held tears back. Was wilbur looking for him? Was Tubbo worried about him? Did jack care? Did Fundy miss him? What happened to L'manberg?

Tommy looked at the blue water at the very bottom if the cliff. "It's all or nothin' I guess" he mumbled before jumping.

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