Chapter 8

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Mew's POV

It's Monday and this day isn't exciting at all. I want to avoid them but I know that I need to face them no matter how painful it is to see them.

I thought I already experienced the most difficult part of my life but I thought wrong. I almost lost my sanity when I woke up and knew that I lost my parents. That I am already alone.

I had to face everything and survive alone thinking that I still have someone that can change my life. That can give light to me even if I lost my parents that I never thought will leave me so early.

It's true that Dad did something that hurt me back then but my love for him never changed. I loved them very much that they're very precious to me.

It was very hard for me to accept and I literary nearly lost my mind. That time that I also don't have Gulf by my side. But I did my best just to survive.

I don't know what really happened back then, Uncle Vince never told us. I understand that he just don't want us to suffer any further.

Morning classes passed and here I am now, standing on the entrance of the cafeteria, not wanting to go in and torture myself.

I can clearly see Gulf laughing with that kid and the pain is not new to me. I have not even started my ways to get Gulf back but here I am, already getting weak.

I told myself that I will do everything just to have him back but the situation is giving me no choice but to let him go. I know what's the best for him, and letting him go and let him have his happiness is the best that I can give him.

I turned around as my heart is already clenching in pain, my breath is becoming uneven and my energy is dropping.

I'm trying to collect myself so I can have enough strength to carry everything. This is never easy for me, letting go my first love is not a good thing.

"Oii Mew, stop that long face of yours. Don't worry he loves you.."

Sweden sat beside me and tapped my shoulder. I didn't know that it's already late at night, maybe she noticed my actions and I know that she easily get worry about me.

"No Phi.. He has someone already.."

My breathing is deep and in just few words I know my tears will fall. I can't look at her because I know I will just cry again like I am always doing before when I woke up from being comatosed.


"Phi.. I don't know what to do anymore.. I can't stand the pain anymore.. P-Phi.. I can't handle this pain.."

My voice shakes and the tears dropped freely. I gripped my hair hard while my elbows are resting on my knees. I can feel she suddenly panicked and soon she sighed shakily, indicating that she can feel me. All this time, it's her who knows my pain. She's the only one who can understand me.

"Phi.. I want to let him go.. I know he will be better without me.."

I sighed deeper and roughly wiped the tears off my face. I looked at her and worry is painted on her face.

"We will be better if we will go to our different paths.. I just want the best for him.. I want him to have his happiness.."


"I'm fine Phi.. I will be fine.. Seeing him happy is enough for me.."

My tears dropped once again and this time I can't stop myself to sob harder. I'm still a but unsure but time will come, that I will fully move on from him.

All I have to do is move forward. Look in the good side and accept the inevitable.

"Shhh.. Is this your final decision? You know I can help.. Let me talk to him.."

"No Phi.. I know from the first place that I really don't have a chance to have him back. But I still forced myself.."

"No.. You did not.. You just tried.."

Minutes passed and she just let me cry. I took a deep breath and finally calmed myself. This will be really hard but time will heal.

Gulf's POV

"Hey Gulf, we're planning to have a vacation on our rest house in Quezon. Wanna come? P'Mew and I planned it since classes started."

Kaownah sat beside me and placed his food on the table. Mild is just silent beside me and still not talking to me. Yuan flew abroad already because their business had an urgent problem. Megan is on the other side of the table, roaming around her gaze probability looking for Mew.


"Next week. Friday night and we will go back at Sunday night."

I nodded and I slowly turned to Mild, indirectly asking if he will come but he is not looking at me.

"Don't look at me. We will come but don't ever talk to me."

Mild grumpily said. I suddenly missed his energy. This is my fault I know.

I let him be like it. I know him, he will just be angrier if I try to apologize to him. He just needs time.

"So is it final? Bring necessary things. It's a beach house so I think we will have some fun."

Kaownah cheered and he continued eating.

"Have you seen P'Mew? He's still not eating with us since Monday."

Megan asked when we are almost finished eating. Mild grumpily smirked and I know that it's for me.

Mew has been avoiding us since that day. I thought it will make me feel at ease but I think it's the opposite. I've been missing him, there are no times that I will be steady because my eyes kept on searching for him. Hoping to have a glance of him even just a second.

He literary avoided me and it hurts. I must be really stupid.

"Maybe he's just busy. You said P'Sweden is going to open her cafe right? Maybe he went there to help her."

Kao said and drinks his juice. P'Sweden told us about her dream cafe last time.

"But he can do it on week ends. Why in school days?"

"I don't know. Ask him."

Kao said and Megan glared at her for answering shit. She's right though, but I know that he just don't want to see me.

This is hard but this is for the better. At least that's what I know.

Let faith drive us to our proper destination.


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