Chapter 15

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Hey darlings, 

Yes, another update. I know I did so yesterday as well, but I had a burst of inspiration, leading up to this 'race weekend' in the book, so here it is. Another chapter as the chapter for next week is at the ready as well. I am currently very much enjoying this book, as you might notice in the number of updates as I hope you are enjoying reading it. 

I would like to thank you all for reading, voting and the occasional comment. It means the world to me as I feel this might just be my best book yet. My way of writing, the character I put up, the world around it and not making it move too fast without it getting boring. 

Also, this is the most planned ahead book I have ever made as I never really have a plan to where I want to go, but this book has a very clear vision, and I hope that becomes clear in reading the chapters. 

All in all, I'd just like to thank you guys and tell you I appreciate every one of you.

Lots of love coming from here!

Stay safe!

Second race weekend
Hanoi street circuit, Vietnam
Feature race

That Saturday started differently than usual.

Firstly, Kevin and Louise officially announced their pregnancy on social media. They were far enough in the pregnancy to safely do so and now Marylinde was in the loop as well, everyone they needed to tell personally knew.

Secondly, Marylinde was rudely awoken by Lando. He had gotten into the hotel. She didn't know how, but he had managed. He had screamed how she was now most likely going to be the godmother of the soon to be the newest addition of the Magnussen family. She needed someone to support her in the supposedly difficult task.

Marylinde hadn't been fully awake when Lando had started blabbering about it and had agreed to the proposition he made, thinking he was offering to be her mental support for the task. Now Marylinde was walking through the paddock towards the Prema trailer, she went over the conversation again and wasn't so sure anymore. She would have to ask Lando about it later, seeing she wasn't really looking forward to a big surprise she had agreed to, though subconsciously. For now, however, she'd have to go to the team for yet another short meeting. They had to discuss the strategy for that day, but afterwards, she could interrogate Lando about that morning.

"Morning Mick." Mick mumbled something back and when he turned around, Marylinde noticed he was on the phone. "Sorry." She whispered back before walking into the trailer and sitting down. Mick followed after a minute as Marylinde was already talking to the one engineer sitting there.

"What the hell was going on in your room this morning? You woke me up." Marylinde groaned.

"Does Mary have a boyfriend?" Francesco, Mick's first mechanic joked and Mick's eyes widened.

"Do you?" He asked, mouthing Pierre's name in Marylinde's direction, hoping Francesco wouldn't catch it. He wouldn't want Marylinde to suffer for Lando's deeds even more.

"Hell no!" Marylinde was quick to deny the allegation. "It was Lando. He thought it to be funny to wake me up quite harshly. Nothing out of the ordinary there." A blush had crept onto Marylinde's cheeks. Just the thought of dating Pierre made her blush. Luckily, they didn't question Lando entering Marylinde's room in any way, knowing that the Brits always found a way to annoy each other and went through extreme lengths to do so.

"There is someone you like though." Francesco grinned. "Otherwise Mick wouldn't immediately think of someone." He then turned to Mick. "You mouthed a name to her right?" A flash of panic flickered in Mick's eyes. "Don't worry, I don't lipread at all." Marylinde glared at Francesco. "Okay, I can lipread, but I swear I didn't catch the name." Marylinde was going to argue to make sure he actually didn't - if he knew, it would only be a matter of hours before the entire team knew and it would spread over the grid rapidly – but other team members entered the trailer and Marylinde didn't deem it safe to do so anymore, leaving the matter to rest for the time of the meeting.

Last Man StandingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon