Chapter 10

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A new chapter before time (next Sunday, so you can look forward to that already as well). I hope you guys will like it. Let me know what you think of it in the comments. I love reading them and I am curious to know what you guys think of certain moments and what they mean! 

Have fun reading this and stay safe!


"Mick, have you seen my-?"

"Passport? Yes, it's in the living room on top of the remote because you know yourself!" A laugh was heard from the kitchen where Mick was making his breakfast. He had easy speaking, he didn't get a phone call the night before telling him he needed to catch a plane at eleven in the morning the next morning.

Marylinde didn't get why they needed her so suddenly, but she had complied anyway and had started packing her bags. It had to be something important for Red Bull to call her in so suddenly. It was Tuesday, which meant she would arrive late on Wednesday. The team had told her she needed to be in time for media day and that it was the reason for the sudden call.

She had tried to ask them why she needed to be there all of a sudden. After all, if they needed her for something, they could have let them know a bit sooner, not just over twelve hours before her flight would leave.

While putting her passport in her backpack – which she would keep with her during her entire trip to Shanghai, Marylinde walked towards the front door, ready to leave.

"You're the best Mick." She pecked the German's cheek as she walked past him in the hallway before almost running out of the door, her suitcase rolling after her. "I'll see you next week!"

"Have fun!" Marylinde closed the door behind her and ran to the cab which was waiting for her already. She was running late for her first flight from Venice to Amsterdam. There she would have to wait for about five hours before her flight from Amsterdam to Xiamen. From there she would fly to the airport closest to the track.

Marylinde felt no excitement whatsoever for the flights or the waiting time before them, but she was happy she would have Lando to travel with once she would arrive in Amsterdam. It would make it fun, at least the slightest bit. They were both seated in business seats, so they would arrange they could switch places with someone so they could sit together.

Marylinde: I am on my way Lan, see you in a couple of hours.

Lando was in Belgium, visiting his Belgian side of the family, which meant he could easily drive to the Dutch capital and meet her there. He had to change his flight because of it, seeing he was scheduled on a different flight, but his team was okay with it and it didn't cost him much more time.

Lando: Great! I'm looking forward to seeing you again, it has been too long already. Why couldn't you have chosen a British team to race for? Or just become a McLaren junior, why Red Bull? I am happy to hear they want you here though. 😊

Marylinde: I'm sorry Lan haha. Red Bull was the only team willing to back me up at the time. And for the team, Prema is just the best. You should know that by now.

Lando: Bull shit. No way there weren't any other teams willing to snatch you away from the competition. And no. Prema isn't the best.

Marylinde: Yes, Prema is and no, there really were no other teams at that time, they did come later, but I am happy with Red Bull, they give me all the backing I need. Oh and Lan, don't even think of dragging me into the McLaren garage, I'm on duty as they called it. I can't even start teasing Alex...

Lando: Well shit then. I'll have to snatch you away from Pierre on the nights then.

Marylinde: For the final bloody time Lan, I have no relationship whatsoever with Pierre

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