Chapter 7

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So I finished this chapter before the start of the race but decided to wait because I was sure there was going to happen something to the front runners and Pierre was going to get another podium. Well, I was right about something, but DKFJALDKFASLGHALSKFJDLSA. 

So I made a deal with my sister. This race just didn't happen. Pierre wasn't forced to retire from fifth place. George didn't crash out of a podium finish. Max's tire didn't blow up while splitting Hamilton and Bottas and Charles didn't let a chance at a podium slip. Nope, non of it happened. 

Since it actually did, here is a chapter for you guys to enjoy and hopefully cheer you up (for those who need it). It's not much spectacular, but a bit more profiling on Marylinde. Still, I hope you will enjoy. 

Please let me know what you think of it by voting and commenting. 

Love you guys! Stay safe!

Also, there is a little treat in the comments somewhere around the time they start talking about music... So check that out!

"Welcome back home!" Freja and Marylinde were engulfed in a hug as soon as they put their luggage down. Ida, a friend since childhood was waiting at the airport for both of the girls. Kasper had gone back to England to arrive two days later with his wife, Anna. That left Freja and Marylinde with a couple of days to spend together and with friends who were living in Denmark still.

"Ida!" Both girls exclaimed.

"It's been too long."

"What have you done to your hair?" Marylinde looked at the natural blonde who was suddenly rocking a Weasley red hairstyle. "I love it!"

"You do?" Ida turned around so both girls could see all the angles on her hair. "It was kind of an impulsive decision, I regretted it at first, but it is growing on me."

"As it should," Freja mentioned. "This colour was made for you."

"Wow, wow, wow!" Marylinde said, raising a hand to put a sign to her words. "Stop there girl. It was made for Ida and the Weasleys." They laughed and together they walked out of the airport. Luckily for Marylinde, she had always maintained her Danish, leaving her without any trouble to switch back to her native language, though having English as her first language.

"So, have you two picked up a nice guy yet?" Ida asked. "I mean, there are plenty of hot guys in the world you work in. There has to be someone who caught your eye."

"No," Marylinde said.

"Yes," Both Ida and Marylinde looked at Freja in shock. "Oh no, I don't mean me. I just corrected Marylinde." Now Ida looked at Marylinde, who had exchanged the shocked expression for a confused one.

"I have found someone?"

"Yes. At least, that is what Lando couldn't shut up about just before we left. He went all out on how you had spent a couple of hours with-" She looked at Ida. Though being their friend, she had a nag for letting things slip and bring rumours into the world. "Well, you know with who and he is positive you guys are dating now." Marylinde inhaled deeply with her eyes closed. She just needed to count to ten.

"I am going to kill him." She then calmly said. "There is no way that is true. Lando forced me to go to his room, then knocked on the door for me and left me standing there. I explained everything that is going on to him in ten minutes so he wouldn't think I'm weird and then left. I wouldn't even call him a friend." Ida looked from Freja to Marylinde and back. She had no clue what they were talking about and Marylinde noticed. "Lando dragged me to Pierre Gasly's room. He is convinced he likes me."

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