"Well,you've been single for a while haven't you Declan?" Keith jokingly pointed out "you should be grateful for anything"

"She was old enough to be me mother man" Dec winced.

"That's why it was so funny,you'd have enjoyed it way too much if it was a gorgeous,slim,twenty something" Keith laughed "she's a good sport that Tina"

"Yeah,she is" Ant agreed "it was a great laugh,thanks for today"

"Was my pleasure" Keith smiled as he made his way to the door "I'll leave you boys to it"

"You did enjoy it today didn't you Decs?" Ant asked concerned "it was nice to see you laughing and smiling again"

"Yeah,I really did" Dec replied "as much as that eejit tried to embarrass us,it was still great fun"

"Good" Ant smiled.

"Sorry,I know I've been miserable since..." Dec muttered.

"Declan" Ant cut in "you haven't been miserable at all,that's not what I meant.You're still grieving and that's very different from being miserable.It's not been that long since your dad died,so don't ever think you have to act or feel a certain way after a set amount of time,there are no rules when it comes to grief,I'm just really glad you had a good day"

"Thanks Ant" Dec smiled "you always know what to say and yeah,I had a great day"

"And there's more to come" Ant grinned "I'm a celebrity next month"

"Can't wait for that" Dec nodded as they gathered their belongings and made their way out of the building.

Just a few short weeks later,the boys were on their way to Australia.

They were so looking forward to enjoying some winter sunshine and staying at the luxury hotel while everyone else braved a dark,wet,gloomy British winter back home.

This series was going to be extra special.

Not because of the celebrities or trials or anything like that,although those things obviously were special too.

This was the year that Ant and Dec would get to do their first trial and it was the one that all the celebrities loved to do...celebrity cyclone.

Of course Ant and Dec had known they would be doing this before they even left England,but feigned surprise especially for the viewers benefit back home.

The day soon arrived where the presenter and ex I'm a celebrity camp mate and winner Joe Swash ran them through what was about to happen in aid of raising £100,000 for the Text Santa charity back home,which Ant and Dec would also be presenting at Christmas.

The three of them exchanged some lighthearted banter as Ant and Dec prepared to take on the task.

"It's ten minutes out of our lives" Dec pointed out "what's the worse that can happen?"

"I could drown,that's what could happen" Dec answered his own question as he and Ant made their way over to where the trial would start.

"You're not going to drown" Ant laughed "it's only water"

"Er yeah" Dec rolled his eyes playfully  "that's exactly what you need for drowning,I'm only little,it might happen"

"Don't worry Decs" Ant grinned "we haven't lost a celebrity yet,the first sign of trouble and I'll be there to rescue you"

"Laugh at me more like" Dec pondered.

"Yeah,that too" Ant nodded "come on,this is gonna be brilliant"

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