part 79

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"How are you feeling kidda?" Ant asked concerned as he stood in the doorway of the Kenyan hotel,watching his best buddy unpack his suitcase.

"I'm ok actually" Dec smiled "I'm really looking forward to meeting all the kids,maybe this trip won't be as heartbreaking as we're expecting"

"Sadly,I think it will be Decs" Ant sighed "that's how these things work.If they don't tug on the heartstrings,then no one will donate to Comic Relief,I have a feeling we're about to be very humbled"

Comic Relief had been going for many years now,raising millions of pounds to help the poor in Africa and at home.Hundreds of celebrities had done their bit to raise money for the charity event that was televised every other year,now it was Ant and Decs turn.

They were being sent to check out a school where all the children were orphans who's parents had died of AIDS.The school had been paid for by money raised from Comic Reliefs fundraisers of previous years.

"I know you're right" Dec replied "I'm just trying to put it all to the back of my mind,until tomorrow at least anyway"

"Yeah,me too" Ant nodded "come on,shall we go downstairs for a bite to eat?"

"Yeah sounds good,I'm starving" Dec smiled.

Ant looked at Dec awkwardly.

"I...I mean I'm hungry" Dec stuttered,this trip was already proving to be difficult with knowing the right thing to say.

"Sorry" Dec mumbled "I'm obviously not starving,don't know why I said that,I hope I'm not stupid enough to say anything like that in front of the locals"

"Don't worry Decs" Ant smiled and moved forward to place a reassuring arm around Dec "it's just a figure of speech,everyone says it back home"

"Maybe they shouldn't" Dec sighed.

"Come on" Ant replied "let's go and get some dinner"

The next day,Ant and Dec and the film crew were picked up early by their drivers to be taken to the school where the orphaned children were being taught.

"How are you feeling Decs?" Ant asked concerned.

Dec was staring blankly out of the car window as the areas they were driving through got poorer and poorer.

"Ok" Dec lied.

The truth was,he was terrified.Terrified of what he was about to see,terrified of how he would feel,terrified of how he would react.He wasn't sure he'd cope with it all,but he knew he had to hold it together,he wasn't here to film his own suffering,not that his compared remotely to any of the kids he was about to meet anyway.

After a long,dusty,uncomfortable drive,Ant and Dec arrived at the  school to be met by a large group of enthusiastic kids and their teacher.

As the boys entered one of the classrooms,they were greeted with loud cheers and beaming smiles from the children inside.

This immediately lifted Ant and Decs spirits and the infectious smiles on the faces of all the youngsters soon had the pair forgetting their worries for a while as the students sang a sweet song they had prepared to welcome ther visitors.

Ant and Dec were given a tour of the school which taught two hundred and fifty students and were shown exactly where the generous donations from the British public had been spent.

They were then introduced to a four year old student,Darren.

Ant couldn't resist giving the boy a cuddle as Dec watched on.

"You're a little cutie aren't ya?" Ant grinned,while holding the boy on his lap "do you like coming to school?"

"He said he loves it" the teacher translated Darrens answer into English "and his favourite subject is maths,he likes adding up"

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