part 20

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"What about her?" Dec asked cautiously.

"I'm really sorry Decky" Anne sighed "but I'm afraid she's passed away"

"What?" Dec asked surprised.

"Cam found her in her cage" Anne replied while placing a motherly arm around her sons shoulder.

"When?" Was all Dec could manage to say as Fonsey sat down on the bed the other side of him.

Dec could feel the tears pricking the back of his eyes,but he was determined to keep them in,he was nearly seventeen years old,there was no way he was going to cry over a hamster,not even in front of his parents.

"The day after we arrived"  Fonsey stated sadly.

"What?" Decs sadness was starting to turn to anger "but that was nearly two weeks ago,why didn't you tell me?"

"We didn't want to spoil your holiday sweetheart" Anne replied "we thought it could wait"

"You should have told me" Dec shouted while wriggling away from his Mams hold "I had a right to know"

"Alright Dec" Fonsey smiled sympathetically "I know you're upset,but please don't shout at your Mam"

Dec sighed and looked straight at Fonsey "you should have told me"

"And then what?" Fonsey enquired "what could you have done about it?"

Dec shrugged his shoulders and repeated in a whispered voice "you still should have told me"

"Decky,it's ok to be upset you know" Anne comforted "we know she meant alot to you,but there was really nothing you or anyone else could have done,she was old,it was just her time"

"I know" Dec snapped,trying again to make out he was fine with this,except for those damn tears that were trying their best to force their way out.They kept trying their damned hardest to undermine him and give the game away about how he truly felt.

"I'm going to bed" Dec announced abruptly "early flight"

"Ok sweetheart" Anne replied,she knew there was no point in dragging this out any longer than necessary,it wasn't unusual for Dec to shut down where his feelings were concerned,he'd talk about it in his own good time if he wanted to.

Anne kissed him on the cheek "goodnight Decky" she smiled.

"See you in the morning" Fonsey patted his son on the back "got a taxi coming at 7am sharp,so make sure you're ready"

Fonsey and Anne had already done their last minute packing that morning and dropped the hire car off with the rental company,everyone knew it was Dec they would most likely be waiting around for the next day.

"Yeah" Dec mumbled before making his way back to the room he shared with Ant.

"Alright?" Ant asked curiously as Dec entered the room.

Ant was just finishing up packing his case,it hadn't taken long as it was pretty neat in the first place.

He looked up when Dec didn't answer,immediately noticing the sad look in his eyes.

"I'm fine" Dec replied unconvincingly.

Ant got up and plonked himself down next to Dec,who had kicked his shoes off and was now propped up on his bed,leaning against the headboard, staring blankly at the wall straight ahead of him.

"Are you sure?" Ant enquired gently "what did your Mam want to talk to you about?"

Dec shrugged his shoulders.

Baby of the family Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora