part 95

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"God I'm knackered" Ant moaned as he slumped down next to Dec on the floor of the room where they were rehearsing,after yet another run through of the Let's Get Ready To Rhumble dance sequence.

"Me too" Dec nodded,while wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his hand "who's bright idea was this?"

"Er...yours I believe" Ant laughed.

"Well,next time I have a stupid idea like this,just give me a slap will you?" Dec joked.

"Oh,that will be my pleasure" Ant grinned.

"I think we're getting a bit old for these kind of dance routines now" Dec frowned.

"Or any kind of dance routines" Ant nodded.

"It's a lot faster than I remember" Dec sighed "or we've just got slower"

"Well,we're certainly not teenagers anymore" Ant pointed out "those PJ and Duncan days are long behind us"

"Thank God" Dec quipped.

"It'll be fine Dec" Ant announced confidently "we just need a bit more practice,the crowds are gonna love it"

"Yeah,they will" Dec grinned "that's what will make it all worthwhile.I'm so glad we've brought Saturday Night Takeaway back this year,it was definitely time"

"Yeah,it was" Ant agreed "and what a comeback it's turning out to be"

The series was already in full swing and the viewing ratings were through the roof.The Saturday Night Takeaway team had decided it would be great to get the cast of the television programme The Big Reunion on,where bands from the 1990s reunited.

It would be the perfect opportunity to bring PJ and Duncan back.

"This is it" Dec announced nervously to Ant once the day arrived and they stood backstage,awaiting their cue.

"Yep" Ant nodded "break a leg Decs"


The familiar cry from almost twenty years ago boomed around the television studio,before Ant and Dec made their way onto the stage.

They performed perfectly,not missing a note or step and they immediately knew that all the hours they'd put into rehearsing,had been worthwhile.

The audience at home and in the studio loved it,singing and clapping along with many thirty somethings immediately being happily transported back to their teenage years for a few amazing minutes.

As the performance came to an end,Ant and Dec were visibly out of breath,but they'd done it and they were proud of themselves for that.

"Well done Decs" Ant smiled as the two of them got changed ready for the after show party.

"Well done to you too Ant" Dec replied  "bloody brilliant wasn't it?"

"Yeah,it was" Ant grinned "I'll hand it to you Declan,that was a great idea,but please can you choose something less energetic next time?"

"Absolutely" Dec laughed "think I need to rest for a month after that,when did we get so old?"

"We're not old Dec" Ant replied "we're just not teenagers anymore and that just proved it,I loved it though"

"Me too" Dec nodded "and so did the audience by the look of it"

"Yeah" Ant smiled "come on,let's get to this party shall we?"

Ant and Dec were delighted when the viewing figures came in a couple of days later,the series was flying high and the amazing reviews and popularity of the PJ and Duncan performance was the icing on the cake.

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