part 65

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"DECS" Ant shouted excitedly down the phone line a couple of days later.

"What?what on earth is it?" Dec replied,feeling equally as excited as his best friend,even though he had absolutely no clue what was going on,but Ants mood was definitely infectious.

"There's a house come up for sale on my street,just a few doors down" Ant announced happily "want to go and view it?"

"Really?" Dec replied "we'd be neighbours?"

"Just about" Ant grinned "wouldn't that be amazing?"

"Yeah,it would" Dec smiled "but let's not get ahead of ourselves,I might not like it yet"

"Well" Ant stated "hang up the phone to me and call the estate agents and arrange a viewing"

"Alright Mr Bossy Boots" Dec laughed "give me a chance"

So the very next day,Dec was viewing the house on Ants road and he had insisted that Ant tag along to give his opinion.

"So what do you think?" Dec smiled after they had gone back to Ants place afterwards.

"I like it" Ant nodded "I can see you living there,but the important thing is,what do you think?"

"I do like it" Dec sighed thoughtfully "it's the area I want and it's so close to you and Lisa"

"But...?" Ant frowned.

"But" Dec replied "there's a lot about it I don't like,I'd want to change a hell of a lot of things if I did buy it,maybe completely gut it and start again in the style I like"

"Well,you can do that if you own it" Ant stated "renovatate it like"

"Yeah,I can can't l?" Dec nodded.

"So...?" Ant enquired,with an air of excitement returning to his voice.

"I'm gonna do it" Dec grinned "I'm gonna make an offer"

"Brilliant" Ant laughed "we're gonna be neighbours"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Anthony McPartlin" Dec replied "it might not be accepted yet"

"Well" Ant smiled "as long as you're not a tight arse and make a ridiculously low offer,I don't see why it wouldn't be?call the estate agent now,go on,do it"

"Alright" Dec laughed "calm yourself will ya?"

Decs offer was accepted and he immediately started coming up with ideas about designing his home exactly to his own taste.

"I guess we'd best tell Lisa about this" Ant stated.

"Oh Yeah" Dec agreed "do you think she'll mind?"

"Why should she?" Ant mused.

"Well" Dec smiled "she might think I'm a bit of a stalker,following you wherever you go"

"She's thought that for years anyway Decs" Ant joked "so I doubt this will surprise her,she'll be home from work soon,so we can run it by her then"

Sure enough,Lisa soon arrived home and immediately knew the boys were up to something.

"So,are either of going to tell me what's going on?" She questioned.

"What?" Ant asked innocently "we never said anything"

"You don't need to" Lisa stated "I know you two and I can tell by the looks on your faces that you're up to something,so come on spill the beans"

"Well" Ant replied "Decs has found a house he likes,he's put an offer in on it and it's been accepted"

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