Ethan walks out from behind a tree, his green eyes glowing in the shadow of the trees.

???: Oh, That usually takes longer, maybe you're just weak-minded?

Ethan walks up to her like a zombie, not even looking at Julien as he laughs quietly to himself.

???: What's so funny? Come on, spit it out.

Julien: Do you really think I would fall to such a weak spell.

Jules springs up and kicks the woman in the face.

Ethan: Get out of my head.

Jules: But it's so fun, knowing all your thoughts, your deepest secrets, your deepest desires.

Ethan: Okay then let's see how you like someone being in your head.

Jules: Like you could get-

Ethan/Jules: Into my head so easily.

Julien: How'd you do that?

Ethan: I'm not just going to tell you what my Tick can do.

Ethan says as his purple ticking green eyes gaze into Julien's.

Jules activates his Tick, his yellow eyes ticking dark blue.

Jules: Okay then let's see whose better.

Jules says as he invades Ethans mind with relative ease.

Carson was too busy doing his job to notice them doing that, punching the female villain with stone covered fists.

Villain: Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit a girl!?

Carson: My mom died when I was young, my dad taught me to treat everyone the same, so if I would drop kick a guy the I should drop-kick a girl with the same strength!

In the distance, a maniacally heroic laugh is heard before the words "true gender equality" are barely heard.

The villain tries to use her Tick on Carson but he punches her before she can use it.

Villain: You little shit let me mind control you!

Carson: Now why would I do that? Seems kinda stupid to let someone use their ability.

Carson, because he wants to finish this in one combo, let out a massive amount of Inergy making his stone-like skin as hard as steel as he runs up to the villain and punches her in the face followed up by a vicious kick to the jaw launching her into the air before he jumped up after her and delivery the harshest ax kick to her spine he could muster. Sending her the ground with enough force to form a fifty-foot wide crater.

Jules and Ethan were still trying to mind-fuck each other, neither of them gaining any ground.

Carson: I'll tell them I'm going to the entrance, they'll eventually follow... probably. Oi! You two, in going back to the entrance, I'm not telling you to follow me I'm just letting you know!

Ethan/Jules: Go ahead, we'll catch up!

Carson: Okay!

Carson then uses what Inergy he has left to enhance his speed for maximum efficiency.

Oh, you wanna know what happened to the other Villain? Once she saw what Carson was doing to her partner she ran away.

Walking is boring~~~~

Carson arrives just in time to see a black streak go straight for the Flaming giant that currently has Ezra Bevriezen in its grasp.

Carson: What th-?

He didn't even get to finish his sentence as Ezra was somehow moved up the stairs in an instant and a blue streak struck the giant, staggering it long enough for the black streak to kick it in half.

Carson: Without a doubt, those two are the strongest in the class.

Carson thinks wondering how will he ever catch up to whoever they are.

Jules and Ethan are just now catching up with Carson as they watch him fall to his knees.

Ethan: Are you okay!?

Carson: There's no way we can catch up, we might as well give up and drop out now.

Jules watches as the big red thing regenerates both sides of his torso creating two very large flaming red things.

Jules: What the hell are those?

Carson: I don't know, but one of those things took out Mr.Bevriezen.

Ethan looking back at Galv: What!? but he's one of the strongest elemental types in America!

Jules: Fire has the advantage over ice, he was probably overwhelmed.

Ethan: But couldn't he stop a maxed out fire attack? How he should be able to stop that thing, right?

Carson: Then that would mean that things fire is even stronger than maxed out.

Jules: No, Ted's goal wasn't to hit it with the full power of his attack, he sent a second more condensed attack that hit directly in the middle of the target.

Carson: Plus it can regenerate, so it probably regenerated any damage done to it.

As they talk, the blue streak that was previously zooming around the two Flaming behemoths, stops to put his hand on one of the roided up giants and sends a Shockwave through it, completely obliterating it.

Tell me what you think -_-


Also happy new year

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