“What do we do?! Her temperature is decreasing! Any minute now and she will freeze!” Ayako growled at them with worry.

Naru quickly held Mai but he felt a shock ran through his body. His eyes widened and dazedly turned his gaze to Mai.  For a second, he could hear Mai’s voice calling out to him. He thought he was just imagining it and stood up with her in his arms when he heard her again.


“Naru, can you hear me?! Naru!”

“Mai?” He whispered and looked at Mai but she is still unconscious.


“…… Naru, find him!”

‘Find him?’

“You know where he is, Naru. Find him!’

‘I know? What do you mean?’ Naru asked in his mind but he saw Mai moving. He thought Mai came back but he was surprised when she suddenly push him away and hug Lin.

“Father!” she exclaimed. Her voice is full of panic and is a bit scared. She was shaking and tightened the grip on Lin’s clothes.

“Kenji-kun won the battle between him and Mai.” Masako said as she look at Lin who is making a face.

“Her temperature miraculously went back to normal!” Ayako said, amused by how miraculous it is.

Naru stood beside them and began to mull over the things he discovered. He was thinking about how Mai communicated with him but he needed to think fast and solve this case since Kenji-kun went back to Mai’s body.

“John-san, what happened to Kenji-kun’s father?” Naru asked while Mai is dangling on Lin’s neck.

“After leaving Kenji-kun here, Father Toujo said that she went to work in Kansai. Although he said he will return, he apparently vanished after that.” John answered him.

“Naru, what’s up?” Bou-san asked after noticing something about Naru.

“Tell me, why do you think Kenji-kun hides?” Naru asked them seriously.

“Kenji-kun hides the he give you a signal that he is ready. He comes out on his own even if you can’t find him so to disappear completely is not his goal. Kenji-kun wants to found, as Father Toujo mentioned but why do you think that is?” Naru explains when he noticed how confused they are.

After some deliberation, Bou-san was the first to come to his senses. Ayako and Masako sighed after him while John made a sad face and pray.

“He wants to come home, that is why he wants us to find him.” Bou-san answered while scratching his nape.

“Kenji-kun wants to come back to the church or rather, come ‘home’. Not to a physical home but a home as in any place where he and his father can be together.” He added.

“The church was his home but it was just temporary.” John agreed.

“The church was his second choice. He is at the church because his father was not around but if his father come, Kenji-kun would rather be with him.” Naru said to them.

“So when he saw Lin, who looks like his father, he thought that his father finally came and pick him up. That explains why he resisted John during the exorcism with that boy this morning. He didn’t want to be separated with his father figure. But Lin is not his father and he is possessing some else’s body so it could be dangerous and troublesome.” Bou-san said while rubbing his chin. John agreed as the others listened.

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