More than Anyone, You were a Hero. Hopeful Heroes

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“So anyone alright?” Kaminari called out cried.

“Fuck you!” A not-so-sobbing Bakugou flipped him off.

“Give me back my octo-sensei..!” Mina and some others are sulking by the side crying quietly.

“Mi-Mirio-san can my quirk bring back Mr. Koro..?” A sobbing Eri asked,“M-M-Mr. K-Koro is so nice..! Shiro-san is so mean..!”

Locating Timeline... Timeline Found! You are now watching; More than Anyone, You were a Hero.

“Huh?” Hatsume is confused. A paper appeared from the machine and she read it out,“This world will not involve the catalyst, this world is from yours, it is few months in time,”

“The future, huh?” Nezu hummed as Hatsume keeps reading. The others are trying to compose themselves.

Midoriya just shrugged,“More information for me,”

“Some of these will be the future events or origins of some, be warned,”

Oboro Shirakumo died during the internship we were doing together.

Aizawa's voice startled them. But the students are confused. Oboro? They turned to Aizawa and saw him deathly pale. So is Hizashi.

Oboro was a tall boy of average stature with light blue, wavy hair that was swept back to flow upwards above his head, two shorter, ear-length tufts left hanging downwards to frame his face. He usually wore an expression of excitement, possessing a large, teeth-bearing grin and semicircular, inward-tilting blue eyes that were often squeezed shut.

He wore the standard male uniform: a light gray blazer with dark turquoise trimmings over a white dress shirt and dress pants, along with a red tie, as well as a small rectangular bandage over his nose.

“I bet the three of us together,” Oboro said pointing his thumb to himself,“Can solve any crisis thrown our way!”

"Let's all form an agency together!" Oboro's voice exclaimed.

“I've said this before, but Shouta is really great at seeing the smaller details!”

It happened just after he said those words.

“As long as we're not fightin' over the money!” Mic laughed.

He got caught up in a collapsing building... it all happened too abruptly. At one time,

The three of them in front of the UA gates laughing.

We strove to become heroes together.

“Kumo...” Aizawa was closed to tears.

“Oboro Shirakumo, hero name: Loud Cloud,” Midnight said, sadly as she told the students,“He's a friend of Aizawa and Yamada. As this said, he died during their second year,”

“That's a nice hero name..”

“He could have been a cool hero too,”

“In other words,” A voice said.

Now, Present Aizawa and Hisashi are in front of a strapped Kurogiri with Tsukauchi and Gran Torino behind them.

Kurogiri is a nomu,” Tsukauchi said,“And Shirakumo's corpse served as a base for it... That possibility is very high,”

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