Small Might

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This is by Zeuzul in AO3

Locating Multiverse... Multiverse Found! You are now watching; Small Might

Aizawa sat in the teacher’s lounge looking over the various reports of class 1-A’s internships and the files on the class as a whole. He tapped his finger on his desk and wondered what kind of exercise he could incorporate into some of their hero training classes.

            It became quite obvious that they were lacking in knowledge and experience in terms of rescue when compared to the rest of the schools. They had to have been at least somewhat anxious about being in situations they weren’t prepared for.

            “Ah, Aizawa, looking over class 1-A’s work studies?” All might plopped down across from him. “How are they coming along?”

            Aizawa looked at him for a moment. It is somewhat weird seeing him wear clothes that fit in that form. “I’m thinking about switching up some lessons to focus more on rescue training. The leagues’ attacks aside we’ve been failing to give them the proper guidance and it’s going to start bothering them if it hasn’t already.”

“If I'm going to be honest,” Aizawa sighed,“Same thing applies here,”

            “Well it would do good to give them more practice into the main purpose of the job. Perhaps a nice confidence boost too.” All might’s sunken blue eyes seemed particularly chipper at this idea.

“Preferably some students who doesn't have enough confidence,” Nezu said.

            “Speaking of that I want to place some extra attention on these four.” He placed four files in front of All might. “The raid on the Eight Precepts was an invaluable experience to them but easily one of their most dangerous.”

Everyone turned to Asui, Uraraka, and Kirishima who tensed.

            All might’s eyes dimmed a bit at this. He fidgeted slightly with his hands.

            “They haven’t shown signs of it negatively impacting them at the moment. In fact it almost seems like it’s instead pushing them. The four of them have been especially energetic when it comes to the hero lessons since. They always have been but it’s like a fuse has been lit under them and they’ve taken off at full throttle.”

“That is true,” Mirio agreed.

            All might scratched his cheek awkwardly. “Well that’s good then.”

            “No. It isn’t. At least not if we let them keep going as is.” Aizawa points to the files. “They’re at full throttle because they don’t feel like they did enough. They don’t feel prepared. It’s making them anxious whether they realize it or not. The job’s full of failures. Plenty of lives that can’t be saved. A hard fact to swallow. Even harder when you think you could’ve done more.”


            All might looked over the four files head drooping as he looked at their pictures. “How are they doing individually?”

            “Uraraka especially has taken a further interest in rescue lessons. She’s mentioned she wants to be a rescue hero before but she’s been going out of her way to ask me about it. Not in the lessons but more of if there’s anything extra she can do or go to for that. She’s gotten somewhat impatient. Kirishima has too but it’s been aimed more towards his quirk. He’s been putting in much more time to strengthen it. He’s been training with Bakugo who’s surprisingly been the one who stops their training.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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