CHAPTER 2: The Event

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She opened the email to reveal an invitation to her cousin's wedding. The wedding was next week, but she was asked to come home a little earlier for the family-only functions. But Nayana was focused on the idea of going home. The thought of HOME threw her back in time.


TRING.....!!!! TRING...!!!! The alarm clock started screaming to divulge it was 6:30 in the morning. Nayana crushes the stop button and slips under the cover once again. She was already half-asleep when her mother came to wake her.

"Nayana it's already 6:30, come down and help me in the kitchen", her mother ordered yanking the sheets off of her. 

"MAMMA....." Nayana screamed. 

"It's only 6:30 and it's Sunday, let me sleep a little more, I will come down after some time," she said, pulling the sheets back up. 

"Oho Nayana, what are you planning to do when you get married off to another house. They will complain that I haven't taught you anything about taking care of a house", Sharmila, Nayana's mother said, throwing her hands up in the air,  in disappointment.

"You go wake up ettan first, then I will come down," she said, trying to sleep again. 

"Stop making excuses and come down,  don't forget we also have to prepare for the function this evening," she said standing up.

"Don't make me come up again, brush your teeth and come straight downstairs", then she ran out of the room in hurry.

"Okay Mumma" she replied still asleep. 

After some time, "NAYANAAAAAAA" her mother screamed from downstairs. 

Nayana was suddenly awake, there was no way she could sleep after that, so she dragged herself out of bed and got ready for breakfast. Sharmila was making poori for the family. And Nayana helped in the kitchen, while her brother and father waited restlessly at the dining table for the food to arrive.

After breakfast, Nayana and her mom started preparing the food for the family get-together in the evening. There were ladoos, sona pappad, and ice cream with gulab jamun for dessert, and the main course consisted of mouth-watering chicken biriyani, perfect-shaped Poratta, spicy Chicken curry, and Chicken 65.

Everything was placed neatly on the table. The guests wouldn't arrive for another 1 hour, so it was time for Nayana and her family to get ready.

"Nayana, are you ready, everyone is going to arrive very soon, Pavi is also going to be here," she said, straightening her fleet. 


Nayana was coming downstairs in her heels. "WOW!!" her family exclaimed in unison.

Nayana was looking beautiful in a red and grey lehenga, which she ordered online. Her long black wavy hair flowed down her back, her brown eyes shining, adorned with kajal and mascara, her lips a glittery peach and at last, gold jewelry hanging decorating her ears and neck. She was looking absolutely stunning. 

Appreciation came flowing from her family, her father, mother, and brother were equally impressed. She felt like she was on top of the world.

But little did she know, that was going to be the start of a dreadful era. A time, she spent her whole life running away from.

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