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(dec 20)
the color scheme is green again!! 🧚🥬🐸🌵🍏🧩🦠🔫
yasss no more school 🥳🥳 u actually enjoyed school this week just bc of ur interaction with skelly 😏 her arrow cums definitely were something! they kept u hydrated throughout the week, but u were starting to crave it again. u caught urself masturbating in almost every moment of the day.

TSSSSSSS a noise from behind u goes 🧍 when u turn around there's a fucking creeper uGh kill me but kinda not actually bc ur house would blow up

"girl PLS the only thing i want blown up rn is ur cock in my pussy" u screech at him. he stops to hear what u have to say. "bitch thats it just rail me"

"ok lol" he says. u look down and search for his dick. where would it be l o c a t e d

⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ is confused 😰😰😰 u want that cock PRONTO

man whips out a 2.5 pounder

"are u kidding me pls 😭" u actually cry it's so small

"they weren't designed to be big pls 💀" u decibe a cock is a cock might as well get the cum to keep u occupied until the next day right?

u lay on the ground bc man is too short for anything else 😒 #smalldickrepresentation

PLOT TWIST HIS DICK IS LIKE A VIBRATOR 😛😛😛😝😝😝😝🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😋😋😋😋😋 hé sticks it inside of u and it goes BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

"goddamn wyd daddy man 🥵🥵🥵" u already is came from the unexpected vibration of his explodijgbcock "ay i can fw this 😈" that bitch EXPLODES inside u at INCREASING RATES 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 yo pussy getting mass war crimes committed against it rn 😏😏😏 ain't no problem either 😋

at this rate of cumming, u go into anaphylactic shock, and then u forget the proceeding events. u wake up and it's almost dark outside. a gray eerie fog lurks over the world and u can almost see magenta particles illuminating the room.

"e-endy?" u whisper into the darkness

"bitch what? speak. spit it the fuck out. what do you wanna say? i'm listening. we're all waiting, and you're doing nothing. this is nonsense, you can't even use words anymore. go the hell outside for once damn, goddamn, get a job or something" u hear come from the darkness. u can see endys eyes but cannot stare at them directly. he will get hostile 😔

it almost feels like a dream bc as mysteriously as he appeared, he was gone, leaving u in a puddle of cum, confusion, and melancholy. it's truly tragic.

done 🙈

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