Chapter 1

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I was working in the shop, heavily and aggressively trying to fix a man's old Harley that hadn't been ridden in a least two decades.

He decided in his midlife crisis, he would go to the old shed and dig up old memories and the bike he used to ride on when he actually could. There was so much rust on the sissy bars, water damage in the engine and wear and tear on the rest of the bike that I had no hope for it.

Although I had my doubts, Clay believed in me and pushed me through the negativity. He said if I could get the bike up and running again, he'd personally go out and by me a new bike, not that I needed one.

My name is Anna Mendez, I'm 25 years old and I work in an auto shop called Teller-Morrow. I grew up in Charming and Clay and Gemma were kind of my family given my dad died when I was young and my mom disappeared into thin air.

I considered Clay a father figure even though I really didn't. Being a motorcycle enthusiast like him, he gave me a job in his shop to fix up the old cars and bikes and whatever people brought in.

Anyways, the club, Sons of Anarchy is kind of my home even though I have an apartment. I'm not SAMCRO, yet, but I hope to be. I'm and prospect but I don't really get my hopes up, for anything really if you can tell.

I'm and girl and the thought of a girl being a patched member probably scares the shit out of other members like Tig, Bobby, Chibs, Piney and Jax. They were friendly to me in all but I didn't give it much consideration. Sure I did the heavy duty shit for them like dig holes for dead bodies, kill people, run guns and protect the club.

Anyways, after finally getting the old and dusty muffler out of the bike, I cleaned the inside of the engine and replaced the muffler to a brand new one for the owner. That was the problem and I solved it, looks like someone is getting a new bike.

"Anna!" I heard someone yell and I looked up at Juice to see him ushering me into the clubhouse. They must need me to go on a booze run or something. I wiped my hands on my grey jumpsuit that had my name embroidered on to the pocket.

I shrugged out of the top half and left my plain black t shirt and my leather prospect cut. I followed Juice into the chapel room and all of the guys, fully patched members, were sitting at the table.

"Anna." Clay said, pointing to the door for me to close it. I turned around and closed the heavy doors and looked back at Clay.

None of the guys were smiling or looking at me. From Clay, Jax, Bobby, Happy, Juice, Piney, Opie, Chibs and Tig, no one looked at me besides Clay.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and looking at Clay. He shook his head.

"Eh." He said softly. I knew when to not talk and mind my own business and just nodded my head to let them have their thoughts.

Jax looked up at me and I looked at him and then looked back at Clay. All of them looked pissed. Clay said Eh and usually when he says that, he is pissed and I didn't want to be on his bad side.

I folded my hands in back of my body and fumbled around with the oil rag that I had in my hands. I sighed quietly and couldn't stand this eerie and scary silence.

I was about to get kicked out of the club, because of the rule. There really wasn't any drawn or written rule about female sons but I figured I would just be a mechanic. Clay stood up and walked over to the bookshelf that stood behind where Jax sat.

He grabbed a box and walked back over to the table. He threw it in my direction and it made a fairly large smack against the redwood table. I tried not to jump at the sudden noise but I flicked. I'll admit that it scared me.

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