No matter the cost, Akito will be raised much better than the rest of them were. Not just on survival. On love and compassion as well. If Shouto has to make is sole reason for living then he'll do so, if only to see to it that Akito is raised in a healthy home.

He reaches up to caress the baby's chubby cheek with his thumb and Akito giggles.

That, Shouto decides, is reason enough to keep on going.

He finds himself wondering what his and Katsuki's wedding would have been like. What new heights they'd have been able to reach in their careers together.

What it would be like for them to have had a family of their own.

There wasn't much he could do in terms of Katsuki's disappearance.

The hospital didn't have any footage of Katsuki leaving that day, only of Katsuki coming in for his appointment. He didn't have any proof, but Shouto was sure somehow that Sora was behind it.

Oddly enough, she'd disappeared that exact same day.

The most Enji could do was sue her father.

But Shouto wanted them all dead.

He'd tried that day in the courtroom during their trial---almost succeeded if Izuku hadn't been there to restrain him. He wasn't allowed to be present throughout the trial after that.

But if he ever sees Sora again, she will die.

Shouto was willing to risk his career as a hero for that.

"I should get going. I have a patrol shift tonight." He says, pulling his hand away from Akito's soft and pudgy cheeks. Keigo hums in understanding, turning to face the gravestone once more. "You go on ahead. I think I'll stay a bit longer."

"Are you sure? I don't want to have Ei and Izuku leave you here just to make you walk home with Aki."

Keigo smiles fondly, wordlessly pointing a finger towards wings on his back.

"Oh. Right. You can fly."

"Mhm. Better to take Aki flying while he's still young so that he can get used to it, too. I don't want him being afraid of his own quirk when the time comes, you know?"

"Mm. I think that's a good idea. Just be careful, please?"

"I wasn't number two for nothin', kiddo. I'll be fine. Promise."

Shouto has no other choice but to accept that. Keigo isn't weak or helpless. It's a struggle to remind himself sometimes.

He supposes he just doesn't want to lose anyone else.

"Could you text me when you make it home? Just so I know that you're safe."

"Of course. I'll even shoot you a text when I get ready to leave here. No worries, babe."

"Thank you."

He turns on his heels to head back to the car where Eijirou and Izuku have been waiting for about twenty minutes, having been much too overwhelmed to stay at the gravesite any longer. Shouto understands. He wouldn't judge them for leaving.

It's just too much sometimes.

He slides into the backseat silently, buckling his seatbelt as he hears Izuku's sniffling and soft sobs coupled with Eijirou's whispers of comfort. Their fingers are intertwined, golden rings glistening in the sunlight when Eijirou pulls them forward to press his lips against them. His own voice is wrecked, almost like he's been crying too. But Shouto gets it. They've been strong, holding everything together for Shouto's sake.

He wishes that they didn't sacrifice so much for him. They'd moved Shouto into their home shortly after they'd gotten married, terrified of leaving Shouto to his own devices. He agreed, mostly because he didn't trust himself either but also because it would put them at ease. Even so, they're so focused on him that they can't seem to focus on anything else in their lives. Progressing their hero careers. Planning to start a family. They'd even skipped their honeymoon for Shouto, even though Izuku insisted that it was because he wouldn't have felt right going on honeymoon when they were all still grieving.

He hates that they feel like they have to babysit him.

He also knows that he wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise.

"...I'm sorry for making you come here when it hurts so bad." He says quietly, just barely above a whisper. Izuku wipes his face, shaking his head even though he doesn't turn to look at Shouto. "You didn't make us come, Sho. We came because we wanted to, okay? It's like you said earlier. We're sad. But we're gonna make it." He assures him and Shouto can't argue that.

All that they can do is get by the best that they know how.

For their own sakes.

In memory of Katsuki.

A/N: I used to be in Shouto's shoes and, like I do for most of my writing, took my own experience to apply it to this story. If you guys are ever feeling helpless or hopeless and just need someone to tell you that it's okay---for someone to let you know that you are loved? I'm here. And I love you all. Please be safe and know that you are not alone!

P.S.- the story isn't over just yet!

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