Chapter five

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Third person POV
As the dragon looked around, having just finished its snack, the Kymari man stood up. Holding onto the dragons harness, he slowly walked over to a door set in the side wall. As he opened it, revealing a lush garden full of strange plants he released the dragons harness, allowing it to fly around and explore it's new environment. As it landed, high in a tree full of strange fruit, it let out a laughing roar before grabbing a fruit. It looked over towards a strange park in the distance, chuckling to itself, before puncturing the fruits thick skin with its sharp-pointed claws and starting to eat.

Time skip: 3 hours

Ivy's POV

"I hope I can get back to the park soon Kai", I replied before curling up to sleep. I had evaded Lorant for a couple hours before I became too tired and had flown down to his shoulders. He had carried me in and placed me in the glass-sided cage, before closing it and leaving to let me rest.

Time skip: 2 days

As we entered the park I noticed the purple flint of kai's scales, flashing in the sunlight. His mate, lilac, was perched beside him. I chirped at Lorant, hoping he would let go of the leash so I could go talk to them, before growling as he didn't comply. Knowing that he wouldn't listen and would just continue walking if I did nothing I tried to breath a thin stream of fire, as I had seen the dragonets do, although, instead of just the little bit of fire I'd been hoping for a full blast of white and blue fire came out, scorching much hotter than the dragonets flame. As Lorant looked at me, shocked, I quickly pulled the leash from his hand and took off, meeting Kai and Lilac on the way.
"Can you undo it" I asked Kai.
"Yeah", he replied as I felt it slipping down my sides.
"Thank you for helping our hatchlings" I heard lilac say tentatively before she took off towards where their nest had been relocated. I heard Lorant call out looking for me a few times before we got too far away.
As I gazed down at the hatchlings, whose names, they had told me, were kala and Leo, I felt something new, an instinct to protect the tiny beings.
"Do you mind if I get something for them?" I asked their proud parents.
"It's fine as long as it's not something still alive" ,Kai joked as I flew off. Landing I. Lorant's shoulder, I sniffed around his pockets, smelling the Shia fruit in one, I grabbed the small bag and darted off again. I could hear his exclamation of surprise as I sped back to the nestlings before showing them the Shia fruit.
"What is that?" Kai asked, confused by the smell,
"Shia fruit, one of the best things you'll ever taste" I replied, before holding out a piece, "something you can only get a good supply of if you know a Kymari." As I tossed him a few pieces, my ear tufts twitched, hearing the  heavy footsteps of an unknown Kymari. I turned and hissed at the female, my instincts triggered just by her presence. She nearly screamed, managing to just gulp as she called something out too quietly for me to hear. Soon after, I realised that she must have called to Lorant, as he appeared, staying on the path next to her. Kai and Lilac flew up next to me, curious as to what I was growling at before Lorant told the woman it was ok. As she hurried out of sight he called to me, watching as I looked back towards the others before swooping down. As he clipped the harness back on, realising that Kai must have unclipped it we began the walk home.

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