Chapter ten

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Ivy's Pov
Kai was brought out first, his wing in a cast similar to how mine had when I had first been brought in. He lifted his head, groggy and tired, and looked around, seeing me. I flew over slowly with the hatchlings, putting them next to him and curling around them while we waited for Lilac.
"The female is stable, but we have not got a place to keep her where she would be able to relax, since she was one of the shyest ones in the park."
"I can take her back to my dwelling, since Ivy seems to like them and they seem to know her." Lorant told the vet while I looked on
"Possibly, would you be able to take care of that many of these animals?"
"Yes, I have the space"
"Good, I will arrange transport"
As we arrived home Lilac stirred
"Hi Lilac, we're bringing you inside of Lorant's dwelling now." I told her, before nuzzling her gently. She lifted her head a little and let out a small growl as we entered before she curled up again to sleep. Kai was twitchier but didn't flee, wanting to stay with his mate. Lorant gently placed Lilac under the heat lamp, before placing her hatchlings beside her, and Kai jumped, squeaking a little when he jarred his wing. "We better get out of here after this Ivy!"
"You should but they'll probably try to see if you can find sicora first" I smiled, watching the hatchlings as Stella fluttered down next to them. I grabbed a large bowl in my teeth and flew to the room that Lorant got our food from, before looking for the fruit I knew they liked. I found  some sunburst berries, and a Shia fruit, which my claws weren't designed to cut through.
"Loraaaaaant!" I called
"What Ivy?"
"How do you open a Shia fruit?"
"Crazy dragon, I'll do it!" He answered.
Once he was finished I grabbed some other fruits and picked up the bowl, walking back because I couldn't fly without spilling any. When I reached the enclosure I placed the bowl on the cooler sand, before leaping up to join them under the heat lamp.

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